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Sunday, January 6, 2008

what pisses me off... chapter 4... vol I

I.R.BADBOYZ - Sigh... I seem to be pissing off a lot lately... a minor side effect to keeping myself well hydrated... but that's beside the point...
As you can see above is a picture of a man... not just any man... he's a legend, a doctor and most of all the biggest asswipe in the entire world... for people outside of Singapore who do not know him... He is the infamous Dr Chee Soon Juan of Singapore... And the reason I do not trust doctors who have graduated from the University of Georgia... This man is a member of one of our country's political party namely SDP (i think it stands for Sucking Dicks & Penises i think... i'm not too sure... just could not be bothered to research into it...)
People wonder why Singapore does not support their opposition parties... well, with oppostion political party leaders like the above mentioned, how can you expect us to do so... and it's not that i'm a fan of PAP... let's just focus on the dick stick doctor for the moment... but that does not mean that PAP is safe from my wrath... they are safe for now...
To save some space and time i shall call him Dr CSJ(sound's kinda like an STD does'nt it)... Dr CSJ is convinced that our current government is taking away our freedom and rights and what not... He quotes examples like the time he was arrested for holding a demonstration outside of Istana(where our President lives)... and he claims that it was not fair as he had applied for a permit/license to have that demonstration(which was of course denied)... how 'unreasonable' the government must be to deny him to conduct a rally outside the President's house... maybe next time he should try to conduct a rally inside a military installation... he might have a better chance to obtain a permit there... what an imbecile...
Honestly Dr CSJ... it's fine that you want to fight for the people... if i were to have a conversation with him here's how it would definitely go:

I.R.BADBOYZ: Hey Dr Chee... So Chee-boy... what's up?
Dr CSJ: We have to stop the PAP! They are taking away our rights! We have no Freedom!
I.R.BADBOYZ: Umm... oooookay... so..... what do you want us to do?
Dr CSJ: Vote for me! Vote for SDP! Stop the PAP!
I.R.BADBOYZ: ....okay.... so what will you do if you come to power?
Dr CSJ: We will get rid of the PAP! No more PAP!
I.R.BADBOYZ: let me rephrase the question 'doctor'... what kind of policies will you implement if you were to come to power?
Dr CSJ: Huh?... No more PAP! They will be gone!
I.R.BADBOYZ: So then what?
Dr CSJ: We will have Freedom! PAP will be gone!
I.R.BADBOYZ: Are you an idiot?
Dr CSJ: Umm... Vote for me?
I.R.BADBOYZ: Huh... what?... Hang on... WHAT IS YOUR NAME?...
Dr CSJ: Vote for SDP?...
I.R.BADBOYZ: Oh my god... he's a Retard...

Moral of the Story: If you want to get a PHD easily, all you have to do is to go to the University of Georgia in the United States... Because if a stupid retard like him can become a doctor... i don't see why anybody else can't... And the next time you see a doctor please do check that they did not graduate from that institution... don't say i did not warn you... and the next time you guys see him doing anything stupid on the street... do us all a favour and pee on him or something... and dont worry... i dont think the police will catch you for that... especially not after what Dr CSG has put our men in blue through all these years...

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