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Monday, January 21, 2008

what pisses me off... chapter 5... vol I

I.R.BADBOYZ - So... here we are again... and as usual... i'm pissed... and although the picture above is that of a Toyota Prius ( A Hybrid car known for it's fuel efficiency and what not ), it's not the reason of why I am pissed... though i have to admit that the car itself is one of the ugliest i've ever seen and you will never catch me dead in one of those...
But this post is not about the car... no no no... it's about those ass turds that actually buy it... you know, hippies... i mean the car itself is not a cheap car... it actually costs more that most normal toyotas, suzukis or hondas out there... so why do people even buy this car?.. is it because it is very economical?... why?...
A person buys a car because it is convenient to do so... Because they have a passion for driving... So why would you buy a car that costs as much as a mid-range car even though it is a little bit more fuel efficient?...
Hippies who buy this car claim that they are saving the world in doing so... I've got another way for you to save the world hippies... take the fuckin BUS!!!... Walk or something... But do NOT!... And i repeat... DO NOT! Buy a hybrid car and claim that you are saving the world in doing so... Cos in doing so you are a hypocrite... If a person were to buy a Prius because they love the car then i do not have any objections to that cos love is blind... but if you claim that you buy a hybrid car because you believe in saving the world then you are a no-good-stinking-hippie... it's like saying that if you blow a guy up its way better than stabbing him to death because the poor guy would not be able to feel the pain... cos if you really are sorry for the guy, you would not have killed the guy in the first place...

Moral of the story: Hippies suck. And if you are one, then may you get herpes. And may you be the first person in the world to die from Herpes as well. That will be awesome. I'll definitely blog about that if that happens.

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