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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Crappy thoughts

CRap_-_ Ok folks..been awhile since i actually wrote anything here. Well its been kinda slow recently without any stupid things to talk about. I would say the most interesting thing that happened was last night when i think i heard cats mating below my block..but hey, not gonna stoop to that level of crapping about 2 pussy cats making out. Gonna do worse..i;m gonna do a book review..
Have been reading some ghost stories lately by this singapore writer..NO it's not russell lee. Its this dude that has his book titles thats always 'something' Nightmares .example...pussycatsmating nightmares . publisher is VJ times..i'm guessing u folks who actually read local ghost story books would have some idea by now. Well, i have 1 word for this series of stories...SUCKDONKEYBALLS(it's actually 3 words but if u do not leave spaces in between they become 1 word). Its horrible..full of terrible grammar, spelling, ugly fonts and stories so frightening they scare my pet rock into not moving at all.'s terrible. I bet i had classmates in primary school who could write better. For those of you who don't believe wat i say..go read some of those books. If i could i would lift an entire passage from one of those short stories in it and post it here for u guys to read but that would be an infringement of copyright laws.
However, to every bad shit that comes about there's always a silver lining to it..and in this case, i have discovered that the stories in the book make u crap faster. No it's not becos it's so scary u shit ur;s becos u wanna hurry the shit up and get out of the toilet so u dun have to finish the book. Yes it's true. Its great material to leave in your toilet especially if u have someone living in your house that takes forever to get his crap done in the morning when u're rushing to use it.
Yes, thats a lame ass post. Yes the post has no useful information at all..but as i said, it's been kinda slow and 2 sparrows landed outside my front door, gonna call CNA and tell them to come down and report on that too.

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