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Wednesday, January 2, 2008

'Cock' stories

CRap_-_ Ok guys..I'll be having a series of 'cock' stories occasionally. I'll like to thank my fren who has been giving me the inspiration for this series of "true life genuine information".
I have been having what they call a writer's block recently, until i met him again. He's really a nice guy, really! So all you female single readers out there who are interested may try to bribe me for his number, he's the best bf u can ever get.I'm being honest when i say this, no sarcasm watsoever. Please send me a personal message if u wish to meet him.
Ok enough blabbering..on to the main topic..
I have just been told that you can "shoot down" an mrt train with an arrow! Its true, the source i heard it from swears by it. Apparently, his brother , who's in archery club or something actually shot an arrow at an mrt and it sorta fell off! If i;m not mistaken, he managed to take down the train from quite a distance, at least a few hundred metres. And if you also suspected that the govt was covering up major incidences, this would be a great example becos i believe it was never reported in the media at all. No one has heard abt it either. Its so believeable aint it. I am thinking of writing to mindef to get this great archer and make him the lead trainer of archery in the army. Think of it..we won;t have to carry stupid M-16s or Sar21s anymore..just a bow and arrow and u can take down something as huge as an mrt train. Why with even more training, we may get a bunch of elite archers that can shoot down fighter jets! Watch Out u legendary Agincourt bowmen .. we singaporean archers are gonna kick ur butts WOOT! And imagine the amount of money we can save just by getting arrows and bows instead of buying expensive guns, rockets, missiles..imagine the great savings in the military budget! woohoo!! I swear it's all true cos it's his real brother who shot down the mrt train .
But however, i sorta forsee a slight problem with this great weapon. Since it can take down an mrt train, terrorist might want to steal this amazing bow and arrow and use it as a Weapon of MASS DESTRUCTION(WMD). We will have to safeguard our discovery and build a giant metal shield that covers our land to prevent it from falling into the wrongs hands, becos with great power comes greater responsibility. It will be our duty to make sure it stays with us.
However even with this down point, i can tell that there is much potential in this amazing discovery and our nation can be the next super power in the world!

Ok that's it for sure to look out for more amazing 'cock' stories contributed from time to time by my great informant.

All views in this posts are of my own except for the base storyline that was supplied to me thru sources that wish to remaind anonymous. Any references to person or persons is purely coincidental and totally fictional except for the source which i get my inspiration from. Please do not sue me as i have no money and making me a bankrupt is a waste of time.If you find anything i write offensive, pls do not come to the site anymore, you were not forced to read anything i post and were stupid enough to stumble upon the site..TOO BAD.No animals were harmed while this post was typed cept for the stupid mosquito that was buzzing around.

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