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Monday, January 7, 2008

Something Crossed my mind...

I.R.BADBOYZ - I actually did not intend to write a blog today... but something crossed my mind, one thing led to another and here I am... It's late at night and sometimes I pass the time on youtube and spell checking the errors in the blog... And as usual my stomach starts to grumble a bit and I go down to the 24hours Shop'N'Save store in my neighbourhood...
Please bear with me on this... carrying on with the story... actually there is also a 7-eleven in my neighbourhood as well but i wanted to try some other microwavable food... ( Oh My God!... 'Microwavable' is an actual word!.. ) And as i was browsing through the food at the Shop'N'Save, I started to get a lil' bit irritated by it... Cos Microwave foods kind of defeat their own freaking purpose nowadays... Cos they all seem to come with a set of instructions that are specifically designed to mess with you... Instructions like; Thaw before cooking or stir regularly during microwave process ( how? ) and other weird instructions on heat levels and time... And the Microwave Ovens are not making it any easier either... With buttons and numbers that don't make sense or are in any way compliant with the instructions given by the freaking Microwave food!!!... Instead of putting the heat setting on the knob as Low, Medium and High on the Oven... There are pictures of Chickens with one, two or three lines of smoke coming from them... What the cunt does the number of smoke have to do with the heat level of the freaking microwave... for all i know, one line means the chicken is farting, two says its starting to smell and three means it's burnt... stop trying to confuse people you stupid ass Microwave Oven and Food companies...
Take a hint from 7-eleven... Where all you freaking have to do is to see what freaking number is clearly labeled on the freaking Microwave Food ( These numbers range from 1 to 4 and are pretty obviously displayed)... And press the same freaking number on the corresponding button on the freaking Microwave Oven... wait for the timer countdown to freaking stop and you know this when the freaking bell goes freaking 'Ting' you freaking idiotic ass of an excuse of a homo sapien... And your freaking food is freaking ready to be eaten... Congrats-Your-Freaking-Lations to 7-eleven for being the only company to have ever done this...

Moral of the Story: I don't think that anybody has ever put the words 'pretty obviously displayed' together in a sentence or phrase before... and since my spellcheck seems to be okay with it I shan't bother to correct it either... but you have to admit that I pretty obviously diplayed some freaking talent for word combination there don't ya think... freakin awesome...

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