Crap_-_ long has it been since anyone posted anything here.. and thank goodness there is nothing more about AWARE anymore on the news..
in case u have no idea wat AWARE is and have been living under a rock all this while..its that grp of females out to.. i rather not say anymore...
ok..i just realised that in singapore, being rich is everyone's dream. Yes it is..dun lie to yourself. Who really cares about attaining enlightenment and all that bull crap. so in view of recent events, i sorta came up with 2 suggestions. firstly, as always .. BUY TOTO.
now on to the next point. Become a highly respected religious leader and start some sort of a charity. Now u must be wondering why i would say something like that.. what a new low .. NOT i say. If you haven't been living under a rock ( seriously if u are..u should go kill yourself), you might have heard of a certain person thats been making the lime light from the local media lately. Well, he is a respected religious leader in a way, and he's in charge of some sort of a charity. So whats the big deal? well.. he has 3 bmws..and thats all they reported, luxury bungalows in foreign lands and the ability to lend $50000 sgd to his "friend" just like how i lend 5 cents to mr IRBADBOY, which is to say, without a 2nd thought. i guess to him, 50k is peanuts eh. and when u make a boo boo, like this specific person, go tell the judge in court " hey man, even i need to enjoy my life once awhile". hmm.. where does the money from charities come from? and wasn't the collection of donations supposed to be spent on helping the needy? i'll give some leeway if you wanna build a magnificent palace and call it a temple or something..but seriously.. be more discrete dude.
ok thats its..enuff of my ramblings, back to real life..
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Sunday, February 1, 2009
The Cowboy theory
Recently it has been brought to my attention, although this topic may be an old one, that our government still has a strong stance against Gay Rights in Singapore. And at a press conference that happened somewhere, our dear Prime Minister Mr Lee Hsien Loong, was bombarded with questions from the overseas media with regards to this.
Unlike our Minister Mentor Mr Lee Kwan Yew, Our Prime Minister has a tendency to speak in a more politically correct manner, so it requires some time to decipher what he is actually trying to say. I seem to be explaining too much here, i would recommend that you copy the link below to view that video.
Personally, i have my own theory about the whole 'Gay Rights' thing. And as to why America and people from all over the world, who are not even of the homosexual nature, to rise up in discontent for the discrimination against this small group of individuals.
I Blame Hollywood for this fad, and let me tell you why. First let us look at the History that Hollywood has with intorducing fads to the masses. There was a point in time where it was believed, that smoking was the most socially acceptable thing to do. And mind you, but people back then during the 60's or 70's, or whichever era that smoking started in, are all well aware of the risks smoking does. And how did Hollywood actually convince the masses to start smoking, they used Cowboys.
Cowboys have been used as a very effective weapon in their brainwashing propaganda. And they have been continuosly using it to introduce new ideas to the Americans and eventually the rest of the world. And it seems that the last thing that they had set to introduce was of course quite apparent in the movie, Brokeback Mountain. And i do not believe for a mere second, that this is all due to some pure coincidence.
I believe, as a Singaporean with my 'Singapore' pride, even though i may despise my own country rather indiscriminately, that our goverment should project a stronger presence on the matter. And to inform those all-knowing overseas media, and possibly some of our own, that we will not be swayed by Cowboys any longer. That we as a nation are saying 'No' to Hollywood and their insane ideas. Because the last time they did, millions have perished to the wrath of Cancer from smoking, and only recently the world has been realising it.
Moral of the Story: I do not really hate Gays, but i am not a big fan of change. And i do not want to have to answer to the future generation 40 or so years down the road, who will campaign against Gay rights and will struggle in their efforts to abolish it. This is what happened with smoking, and will happen with Gay rights as well. The reason being, that it was introduced via the cowboy method. And that is the whole story.
Recently it has been brought to my attention, although this topic may be an old one, that our government still has a strong stance against Gay Rights in Singapore. And at a press conference that happened somewhere, our dear Prime Minister Mr Lee Hsien Loong, was bombarded with questions from the overseas media with regards to this.
Unlike our Minister Mentor Mr Lee Kwan Yew, Our Prime Minister has a tendency to speak in a more politically correct manner, so it requires some time to decipher what he is actually trying to say. I seem to be explaining too much here, i would recommend that you copy the link below to view that video.
Personally, i have my own theory about the whole 'Gay Rights' thing. And as to why America and people from all over the world, who are not even of the homosexual nature, to rise up in discontent for the discrimination against this small group of individuals.
I Blame Hollywood for this fad, and let me tell you why. First let us look at the History that Hollywood has with intorducing fads to the masses. There was a point in time where it was believed, that smoking was the most socially acceptable thing to do. And mind you, but people back then during the 60's or 70's, or whichever era that smoking started in, are all well aware of the risks smoking does. And how did Hollywood actually convince the masses to start smoking, they used Cowboys.
Cowboys have been used as a very effective weapon in their brainwashing propaganda. And they have been continuosly using it to introduce new ideas to the Americans and eventually the rest of the world. And it seems that the last thing that they had set to introduce was of course quite apparent in the movie, Brokeback Mountain. And i do not believe for a mere second, that this is all due to some pure coincidence.
I believe, as a Singaporean with my 'Singapore' pride, even though i may despise my own country rather indiscriminately, that our goverment should project a stronger presence on the matter. And to inform those all-knowing overseas media, and possibly some of our own, that we will not be swayed by Cowboys any longer. That we as a nation are saying 'No' to Hollywood and their insane ideas. Because the last time they did, millions have perished to the wrath of Cancer from smoking, and only recently the world has been realising it.
Moral of the Story: I do not really hate Gays, but i am not a big fan of change. And i do not want to have to answer to the future generation 40 or so years down the road, who will campaign against Gay rights and will struggle in their efforts to abolish it. This is what happened with smoking, and will happen with Gay rights as well. The reason being, that it was introduced via the cowboy method. And that is the whole story.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Writings, writings, on the wall... Who is the dumbest fuck of all..
I.R.BADBOYZ :- Well, well... it's been a while since i wrote something. I'm moderately amused at the amount of comments that's written on our tag board. As you can see above, i managed to take some pictures and unfortunately, i only had my mobile phone at the time. This was taken on new years eve at somewhere i can't seem to recall at all. Hmm...
Here is what was actually written,
" Lee Kwan You
at 1990 year give
student boy stuck his
Kok at Ang Mo
Kio ITE school
outside the classroom many ~~~
and pop backside
Lee Kwan You
Heat Attack
faster Died"
To be honest, frankly i am appalled by all that was written here. Seriously, have you no respect for the Singapore government. They spent millions of dollars in the 'Speak Good English' campaign. And yet, we Singaporeans are still terrorized by such barbaric mutilation of the English Language. To whomever it is that wrote this, congratulations. Thank you for ensuring another generation of retarded cum buckets who will threaten people with death from heat stroke. You should be very proud. You cunt nuggets.
Moral of the story: If you actually are a cunt Nugget. You need to get yourself amputated cos you are a cancer.
ass cancer,
cum buckets.,
cunt nuggets
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
The Musical In Me...
Singapore is a great place to live in. Its clean, green and peaceful. Apart from having a high cost of living, I repeat again, Singapore is a great place to live in. Now let see if Singapore is a FUN place to live in? Well for starters we have our "night life" scene, which is in turn, pretty darn boring.
The clubs found in Singapore these days are not what they used too be. Most of them are littered with degenerates and people want to get wasted. The last time I check getting wasted isn't fun at all.
What is fun? Well according to 'Fun' is define as follows:
1. something that provides mirth or amusement: A picnic would be fun.
2. enjoyment or playfulness: She's full of fun.
–verb (used without object), verb (used with object)
3. Informal. joke; kid.
4. Informal. of or pertaining to fun, esp. to social fun: a fun thing to do; really a fun person.
5. Informal. whimsical: flamboyant: The fashions this year are definitely on the fun side.
6. for or in fun, as a joke; not seriously; playfully: His insults were only in fun.
7. like fun, Informal. certainly not; of doubtful truth: He told us that he finished the exam in an hour. Like fun he did!
8. make fun of, to make the object of ridicule; deride: The youngsters made fun of their teacher.
OK, I think I am going too technical here. Let me Keep It Short and Sweet, fun is basically to occupy your boring life with an activity of happiness and enjoyment. Getting wasted isn't an activity of happiness nor enjoyment its more like one step closer to alcohol poisoning.
Anyways my argument here dear readers, is that Singapore is in need of fun places and fun activities. Or am I wrong?
Well the Integrated Resort may or may not be a fun place to hangout and have fun activities. But we have wait and see how that turns out.
At mean time why not go too the movies to have fun? I can agree watching movies can indeed be fun (unless you are watching "The Day Earth Stood Still" or "Contact") but its too common nowadays.
Well there is an alternative. It may cost a bit more but the enjoyment level can surpass what you can get from the movies. Its Musicals. Yes I said it. I am not turning into a Faggalar or anything like that but Musicals and Comedy shows are places you can get utmost enjoyment in our tiny little island of ours. That what's the Esplanade is for. Here is a video from a musical called "Avenue Q" recently played in the Esplanade, check it out.
So what do think? With shows like that in the Esplanade wouldn't be fun to go to a Musical? And at the same time, you can even impress your significant other with your new taste of entertainment.
The clubs found in Singapore these days are not what they used too be. Most of them are littered with degenerates and people want to get wasted. The last time I check getting wasted isn't fun at all.
What is fun? Well according to 'Fun' is define as follows:
1. something that provides mirth or amusement: A picnic would be fun.
2. enjoyment or playfulness: She's full of fun.
–verb (used without object), verb (used with object)
3. Informal. joke; kid.
4. Informal. of or pertaining to fun, esp. to social fun: a fun thing to do; really a fun person.
5. Informal. whimsical: flamboyant: The fashions this year are definitely on the fun side.
6. for or in fun, as a joke; not seriously; playfully: His insults were only in fun.
7. like fun, Informal. certainly not; of doubtful truth: He told us that he finished the exam in an hour. Like fun he did!
8. make fun of, to make the object of ridicule; deride: The youngsters made fun of their teacher.
OK, I think I am going too technical here. Let me Keep It Short and Sweet, fun is basically to occupy your boring life with an activity of happiness and enjoyment. Getting wasted isn't an activity of happiness nor enjoyment its more like one step closer to alcohol poisoning.
Anyways my argument here dear readers, is that Singapore is in need of fun places and fun activities. Or am I wrong?
Well the Integrated Resort may or may not be a fun place to hangout and have fun activities. But we have wait and see how that turns out.
At mean time why not go too the movies to have fun? I can agree watching movies can indeed be fun (unless you are watching "The Day Earth Stood Still" or "Contact") but its too common nowadays.
Well there is an alternative. It may cost a bit more but the enjoyment level can surpass what you can get from the movies. Its Musicals. Yes I said it. I am not turning into a Faggalar or anything like that but Musicals and Comedy shows are places you can get utmost enjoyment in our tiny little island of ours. That what's the Esplanade is for. Here is a video from a musical called "Avenue Q" recently played in the Esplanade, check it out.
So what do think? With shows like that in the Esplanade wouldn't be fun to go to a Musical? And at the same time, you can even impress your significant other with your new taste of entertainment.
Monday, November 24, 2008
THE RETURN OF stuff that piss me off
Crap _-_ the "stuff that pisses me off" series hasn't been out for awhile.. this is just my attempt at bringing it least for awhile..before it dies off again.
So anyway..this entry will be about personality of people that piss me off
1. The " I am god almighty " people - ok..these are the folks that think they are correct, all the time, everytime. Their views are mostly "Divine" and if u defer from them..u will be branded an infidel.. stuff like " oh.. u are most sinner" or " u are so wrong" are words spouted from them rather often. well.. 3 words for people like these " SUCK MY BALLS". yes most holy of holiest.. why do u drool so much when u see women around u and saying the drool belongs to me. Just for your INFO.. i do not drool when i am turned on..i CUM all over..can u CUM? i guess not.. Pretending to be free of "sin" ( what the heck is sin anyway but just another 3 letter word)..u disgust me..and if there is a hell.. i'll be seeing u there
2. The "sob story" people - well..omg..ur great great great grand mama died?? or ur alien bf from the planet Olioto came back to earth and hit u with a frying pan that destroyed half your house? and somehow..the TALEBAN are taking your family hostage so u gotta save them, which u managed to do with only 1 eye and half a leg still attached to your blown up body by running thru the evil base of terror at super sonic speed.. erm.. wake up.. cos do u honestly think we believe that?
3. The " i shall not let u see what the fuck i am doing becos i am a cunt sucking whoring piece of fat little turdish sandwich fuck fuckity fucked " people - selfish self deluding cunts who think the whole world wants a piece of them. Really? i would rather polinate plants than fuck u.
4. The "closet gay sympathisers" - firstly..i would like to mention that i do not really have anything against gay people... my hatred is directed at BI-sexual Guys (do not infect normal women with ur diseases which you u picked up after being screwed in the A Hole by your friendly male buddies)... just that i do not agree with their views but its all well as long they keep within their own community and do not try to be gay around me..i will remove their happiness ( just FYI .. GAY = happy). however i do have issues with folks who say " oh yah gay people suck." but den go on to make friends with them.. erm..why? just wonder how often u sell out others just to your own benefit .. guess i'll be seeing u in hell too...just for the record..u are worse than bi-sexual guys..becos u'll try to screw everything and anything.
Actually when u come of think of it..all mentioned are just sub-species of one another, therefore each personality i described may manifest themselves in one person. so why did i seperate them? and why did i spell separate wrongly? becos it's my blog and i can do whatever i want.. and yes..there are more types of folks i find that really annoy me but i am just feeling lazy to type about them..maybe next time. And if there is really a heaven and hell waiting for us in the afterlife.
I PITY THE FOOLS WHO BELIEVE THEY ARE HEADED TO HEAVEN.. i may not like where i am going but at least i know where i'm u?
So anyway..this entry will be about personality of people that piss me off
1. The " I am god almighty " people - ok..these are the folks that think they are correct, all the time, everytime. Their views are mostly "Divine" and if u defer from them..u will be branded an infidel.. stuff like " oh.. u are most sinner" or " u are so wrong" are words spouted from them rather often. well.. 3 words for people like these " SUCK MY BALLS". yes most holy of holiest.. why do u drool so much when u see women around u and saying the drool belongs to me. Just for your INFO.. i do not drool when i am turned on..i CUM all over..can u CUM? i guess not.. Pretending to be free of "sin" ( what the heck is sin anyway but just another 3 letter word)..u disgust me..and if there is a hell.. i'll be seeing u there
2. The "sob story" people - well..omg..ur great great great grand mama died?? or ur alien bf from the planet Olioto came back to earth and hit u with a frying pan that destroyed half your house? and somehow..the TALEBAN are taking your family hostage so u gotta save them, which u managed to do with only 1 eye and half a leg still attached to your blown up body by running thru the evil base of terror at super sonic speed.. erm.. wake up.. cos do u honestly think we believe that?
3. The " i shall not let u see what the fuck i am doing becos i am a cunt sucking whoring piece of fat little turdish sandwich fuck fuckity fucked " people - selfish self deluding cunts who think the whole world wants a piece of them. Really? i would rather polinate plants than fuck u.
4. The "closet gay sympathisers" - firstly..i would like to mention that i do not really have anything against gay people... my hatred is directed at BI-sexual Guys (do not infect normal women with ur diseases which you u picked up after being screwed in the A Hole by your friendly male buddies)... just that i do not agree with their views but its all well as long they keep within their own community and do not try to be gay around me..i will remove their happiness ( just FYI .. GAY = happy). however i do have issues with folks who say " oh yah gay people suck." but den go on to make friends with them.. erm..why? just wonder how often u sell out others just to your own benefit .. guess i'll be seeing u in hell too...just for the record..u are worse than bi-sexual guys..becos u'll try to screw everything and anything.
Actually when u come of think of it..all mentioned are just sub-species of one another, therefore each personality i described may manifest themselves in one person. so why did i seperate them? and why did i spell separate wrongly? becos it's my blog and i can do whatever i want.. and yes..there are more types of folks i find that really annoy me but i am just feeling lazy to type about them..maybe next time. And if there is really a heaven and hell waiting for us in the afterlife.
I PITY THE FOOLS WHO BELIEVE THEY ARE HEADED TO HEAVEN.. i may not like where i am going but at least i know where i'm u?
big muthafucking hell bird,
my balls are dry,
Thursday, October 16, 2008
What WoW Does To People...
ReD_eYe - This guy gave the game, World Of Warcraft a whole new level. I found this article in yahoo games and I just want to share it with you guys out there:
Gamer juggles over 30 Warcraft characters
Meet the mad king of Azeroth.
By Ben Silverman
Think you play too much World of Warcraft?
Compared to "Prepared," you don't.
In a case of game addiction gone officially bananas, gaming blog Joystiq reports on what is surely the biggest Warcraft fan of them all. Known only under the moniker "Prepared," the gamer plays a stunning 36 World of Warcraft accounts on 11 different computers...simultaneously.
Stemming from a desire to manage raids -- large-scale gameplay sessions that typically require the teamwork of multiple players -- all by himself, the die-hard gamer seems undaunted by both the financial and lifestyle commitments to such a geeky endeavor.

"It costs me exactly $5711 in subscription costs per year with 36 accounts on the 6 month pay schedule," he writes. "Not bad considering I'm looking at it like it's a hobby and there are more expensive hobbies out there than World of Warcraft."
Like yachting, perhaps. And despite the downturn in the economy, Prepared can't wait to get his hands on the upcoming Warcraft expansion, Wrath of the Lich King. "I plan to be at the store when it opens and will purchase 36 copies of it. With tax, it should be about $1500 for all of them." Word of Prepared's over-the-top addiction comes on the heels of the annual Blizzcon Convention, a fan-oriented celebration of the games created by Warcraft publisher Blizzard.
Well, thank God I am not like this guy. And thank God I don't play World of Warcraft. And even if I do and I came across him somehow in one of the WoW servers, I might PM him and say , "Dude you're crazy!" and then I logout. Don't want to get owned by all of his 36 characters simultaneously. But I got to say to have that much computers and monitors in my room would be awesome.
Gamer juggles over 30 Warcraft characters
Meet the mad king of Azeroth.
By Ben Silverman
Think you play too much World of Warcraft?
Compared to "Prepared," you don't.
In a case of game addiction gone officially bananas, gaming blog Joystiq reports on what is surely the biggest Warcraft fan of them all. Known only under the moniker "Prepared," the gamer plays a stunning 36 World of Warcraft accounts on 11 different computers...simultaneously.
Stemming from a desire to manage raids -- large-scale gameplay sessions that typically require the teamwork of multiple players -- all by himself, the die-hard gamer seems undaunted by both the financial and lifestyle commitments to such a geeky endeavor.

"It costs me exactly $5711 in subscription costs per year with 36 accounts on the 6 month pay schedule," he writes. "Not bad considering I'm looking at it like it's a hobby and there are more expensive hobbies out there than World of Warcraft."
Like yachting, perhaps. And despite the downturn in the economy, Prepared can't wait to get his hands on the upcoming Warcraft expansion, Wrath of the Lich King. "I plan to be at the store when it opens and will purchase 36 copies of it. With tax, it should be about $1500 for all of them." Word of Prepared's over-the-top addiction comes on the heels of the annual Blizzcon Convention, a fan-oriented celebration of the games created by Warcraft publisher Blizzard.
Well, thank God I am not like this guy. And thank God I don't play World of Warcraft. And even if I do and I came across him somehow in one of the WoW servers, I might PM him and say , "Dude you're crazy!" and then I logout. Don't want to get owned by all of his 36 characters simultaneously. But I got to say to have that much computers and monitors in my room would be awesome.
Arabians and their 1001 nights...

I.R.BADBOYZ :- Arabian nights, a thousand and one tales, a thousand and one nights or whatever it is that you may call it. I honestly do not care about those thousand and one tales. I do not even care as to why there is a thousand and one of it. But i can imagine how bored that person might have been to have written it. That is of course if all of these tales had been written by a single Arab man or woman or she male or whatever really.
What i am concerned, or should i say am unnerved about is the fact that women have taken the whole 1001 nights general idea to heart. And that at some point in their life, some bitch has been teaching them these stuff. And for those of you who may not know what the 1001 Arabian nights tale is all about. Here is a brief summary.
" Sultan's wife cheats on him, Sultan get's pissed, calls all the women in the world cunts and declares war on them. Then he marries only virgins and kills them on the day of the marriage ( After having sex of course ). Last virgin, scared shitless of being killed, stretches out some story that she cunt-cocted for a period of 1001 nights. Sultan for some reason likes her after that. And decides not to kill her. The fucking end".
Of course when the story is told to the fairer sex, i think the person forgot to mention the part where the Sultan's first wife cheated on him. Carrying on, females believe and swear by this stories so much so that they play games with us guys. In hope that someday, us guys will gain interest in them. As opposed to telling the guy she likes everything that she feels about him, scared that it may result in him just leaving or lose interest or having sex with her and then lose interest. And i must admit, they have a valid point. But i myself also do have a valid point. And here it is.... Why do you want a feminist-bashing-virgin-killing murderer to fall in love with you? I don't get it. Do you?
Moral of the story: Why do you want a feminist-bashing-virgin-killing murderer to fall in love with you? Seriously why? It's just one of those questions that i have in which the answers tend to escape me. Like how did gurmit singh ever manage to attract a female? And at what age did he abandon his todi? Who knows...
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Rambo V: The Arcade?
ReD_eYe - We (Myself and I.R.BADBOYZ) were at the Mall trying to kill some time when we decided to go to the arcade and play some fighting games. Instead we found something way cooler. It's Rambo the Arcade . It just SHIPPED IN!!! After few minutes enjoying the game's trailer/demo, I decided to give it a go. The machine took 4 tokens and a few seconds later, I was playing as John Rambo, ex-green beret. I have some video footage of myself, playing the game.
Sorry we were unable to show you the whole play through. At the end of the video you can see that the cameraman (I.R.BADBOYZ) suddenly stopped filming. This is because he was 'poked' (Yes I said it! Right in the lower ribs! Ooh kinky!) politely by one the arcade girls and asked to stopped filming the game. Well more mean more details and review about the arcade game soon.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Crap_-_ Hey there folks, its my holidays again..and man am i sooo bored.. been surfing the net lately and i suddenly came up with this idea.
Apparently, there is a sort of FIGHTCLUB in singapore.. for those who have watched the movie, which starred Brad Pitt, and no..Brad Pitt isn't dead yet we have to pray abit harder. anyway..this fightclub singapore is catered more towards boxing and has nothing watsoever to do with the fightclub portrayed in the movie.
However it suddenly struck me that since no one has officially started anything like that here yet..why not start one now..
Imagine, people meeting up to beat the crap out of one another to relieve stress, test their skills, or just being plain idiots..the motive isn't important.. but the main point is..which is to FIGHT.
SO folks..if you're interested in participating in such a leave your messages and if we have enough of you "fighters" we might just go ahead with it. remember..this is not a terrorist organisation so leave ur bombs, ak47s and Dildos at home. And yes..partly why i came up with this idea is because so many folks in singapore have been asking if there was a fight club in singapore.. so if you're interested..why not make this really happen..and who knows..u might even get to beat up that annoying boss of yours who refuses to approve your leave..
this is just my own opinion and mine alone, people who gather who fight for no reason are idiots..but as IR would say..any reason is a good reason, always better than no reason. And in case the ISD or NSA or Watever anti terrorist organisation is looking in..well..thank you for visiting and I do not have any WOMDs stop checking us out and visit instead? or maybe facebook
Apparently, there is a sort of FIGHTCLUB in singapore.. for those who have watched the movie, which starred Brad Pitt, and no..Brad Pitt isn't dead yet we have to pray abit harder. anyway..this fightclub singapore is catered more towards boxing and has nothing watsoever to do with the fightclub portrayed in the movie.
However it suddenly struck me that since no one has officially started anything like that here yet..why not start one now..
Imagine, people meeting up to beat the crap out of one another to relieve stress, test their skills, or just being plain idiots..the motive isn't important.. but the main point is..which is to FIGHT.
SO folks..if you're interested in participating in such a leave your messages and if we have enough of you "fighters" we might just go ahead with it. remember..this is not a terrorist organisation so leave ur bombs, ak47s and Dildos at home. And yes..partly why i came up with this idea is because so many folks in singapore have been asking if there was a fight club in singapore.. so if you're interested..why not make this really happen..and who knows..u might even get to beat up that annoying boss of yours who refuses to approve your leave..
this is just my own opinion and mine alone, people who gather who fight for no reason are idiots..but as IR would say..any reason is a good reason, always better than no reason. And in case the ISD or NSA or Watever anti terrorist organisation is looking in..well..thank you for visiting and I do not have any WOMDs stop checking us out and visit instead? or maybe facebook
Friday, September 19, 2008
I am annoyed.. for real
Crap_-_ Lately i've been getting the feeling facebook is the best way to get the latest news. It seems that all i've been hearing is " HAVE YOU SEEN FACEBOOK?" or "KNOW WAT HAPPENED? check facebook". No longer is News 5 tonight or the CNN the best way to get the latest updates on happenings around the "world" and for the record.. i hardly get onto facebook, so i guess i'm not really into 'NEWs' ok...anyway, with that out of the way. i shall continue.
TO those that matter..
You guys are my friends, and have been there for me when i was down. Do not mistake this message as a declaration of war on u or watsoever, i have no time for that nonsense. IF i wanted a war, i would send a nuke.. this is just a post to let u know that i am your friend, only if u wish me to remain as one. Lately i know some of you have been going thru a rough patch, i think the people involved will know who i am directing this message to. Like i said, i am your friend, and if u folks need to pour out your woes on msn, sms, mms, or whatever other form of media, i'll lend a ear. If you needa get drunk or gorge yourself on food and piss all over yourself over that too just to feel better, i'll be there too if u want me to. BUT.. do not ever ever get me involved in your little wars directly. Sharing of your problems is what i'll appreciate, not making me part of your problems. Hopefully you people should learn to respect others if u expect me to respect you and not start saying things I don't even understand. Things like " you should know, apparently you've known for awhile" do not make sense to me when i have no fucking idea what your quarrels are, and who started it. I do not know who has WEAPONS of MASS DESTRUCTION and i do not really care who made the 1st nuclear bomb. We are not members of a political party.. what the hell do you think this is "World of SDP" ??? All i ever have knowledge about is on things that i see or hear and even then, i dun even trust my eyes sometimes. And how am i expected to trust people that cannot trust me? If the countless times we've gone thru shit together doesn;t matter.. den i better re evaluate my life. This is not the 1st time this has happened.. and i hope i never made an error of judgement when choosing my friends.
Please do not ever call me a bro, dude, friend or crap if this doesn't get through to u folks. I have said enough and man am i pissed. YOUR LIFE SUCKS, SO DOES MINE, lets leave it that way.
TO those that matter..
You guys are my friends, and have been there for me when i was down. Do not mistake this message as a declaration of war on u or watsoever, i have no time for that nonsense. IF i wanted a war, i would send a nuke.. this is just a post to let u know that i am your friend, only if u wish me to remain as one. Lately i know some of you have been going thru a rough patch, i think the people involved will know who i am directing this message to. Like i said, i am your friend, and if u folks need to pour out your woes on msn, sms, mms, or whatever other form of media, i'll lend a ear. If you needa get drunk or gorge yourself on food and piss all over yourself over that too just to feel better, i'll be there too if u want me to. BUT.. do not ever ever get me involved in your little wars directly. Sharing of your problems is what i'll appreciate, not making me part of your problems. Hopefully you people should learn to respect others if u expect me to respect you and not start saying things I don't even understand. Things like " you should know, apparently you've known for awhile" do not make sense to me when i have no fucking idea what your quarrels are, and who started it. I do not know who has WEAPONS of MASS DESTRUCTION and i do not really care who made the 1st nuclear bomb. We are not members of a political party.. what the hell do you think this is "World of SDP" ??? All i ever have knowledge about is on things that i see or hear and even then, i dun even trust my eyes sometimes. And how am i expected to trust people that cannot trust me? If the countless times we've gone thru shit together doesn;t matter.. den i better re evaluate my life. This is not the 1st time this has happened.. and i hope i never made an error of judgement when choosing my friends.
Please do not ever call me a bro, dude, friend or crap if this doesn't get through to u folks. I have said enough and man am i pissed. YOUR LIFE SUCKS, SO DOES MINE, lets leave it that way.
suck my balls,
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