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Thursday, January 3, 2008

369 Warriors?

I.R.BADBOYZ - (I made a little poem... or rhyme or whatever you call it... just sing it as you would sing 'This Old Man')

These three mats
They Act Tough
I knew better
And Called Their Bluff

So I Bitch Slapped
Jacked their Backs
Stuffed it with a Bone
These Three Mats
Went Crying Home...

Just what the hell is wrong with Singapore today... You know we're screwed when we have dumbass gangsters 'advertising' themselves on YouTube... I don't mean no disrespect... but A Bitch named Susan could beat up those three stooges... It's embarrassing that when girls walk home late at night that they are more scared of the Apeks loitering about than the Gangsters that inhabit the damn island... and it's all thanks to this video... Great Job there you three useless ass turds... reminds me of an old Malay saying... "Kecik Kecik Tanak Mampos, Sudah Besar Susahkan Orang" ( Excuse my Malay... I was never really good at it anyways... ) the meaning behind it is that When these buggers were young, they refused to die and as they have grown old, they became a burden to our society...
And for our infamous Singapore gang 369... i believe that only way for you guys to redeem your gangs reputation is to find these guys... and do what you got to do... Peace Out...


Anonymous said...

Hi ! Im new here.. bt its only to say that, I like so many things that u wrote ! :)



Anonymous said...

oh my god!!! Our First Fan!!!

Anonymous said...

Why thank you my lady... I am deeply humbled...