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Saturday, January 26, 2008

Crappy thoughts again

CRap _-_ Ok folks, the need3head crew visited Old Changi hospital the night before, we took many interesting videos and photos..however REDEYE..being a dipshit messed up our greATEST moment when IR actually keponged(is that a word??) some folks..I'll leave that crap for the guys to put up when they upload the pics.

Anyway, got home and found a True singapore ghost stories vol 16 book . Decided to read it to continue the ghostly feelings. However, i am sad to say that there is no hope for locally written books anymore. What with stupid lame ass stories about a ghost dressed up in basketball jersey outfit bouncing some kid's dads head on top of their cars, the author's lame dipshit views of alien abduction and an 'actual' story about some lady whose husband got abducted by aliens while they were at pulau
I've got an idea anyway. Apparently they are offering $2000 as a prize if you write in and your story gets published. I AM GONNA write in with some dumb ass story about a red tie i bought recently( was for my friend's wedding) and i've been dreaming about being a hitman..inspired by the movie HITMAN. Won't be surprised if i actually read it out for it and be prepared to get scared.BOOOOOO~
If it gets published..pls do not bother with supporting locally written stories again. I am however still supportive of you guys who wanna write in and try for that $2000 prize..So remember to come up with your supposed "true" and "original" ghost stories...something like how a weird chick climbs out from your tv screen or your camera being able to take pics of ghosts and trap em inside.

P.S. i keep getting that that famous author who wrote the books is related to someone i know..someone who's brother shot down an MRT about true singapore cock stories!!!
i meant ghosts...onward with the LEGENDS!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Crappy thoughts

CRap_-_ Ok folks..been awhile since i actually wrote anything here. Well its been kinda slow recently without any stupid things to talk about. I would say the most interesting thing that happened was last night when i think i heard cats mating below my block..but hey, not gonna stoop to that level of crapping about 2 pussy cats making out. Gonna do worse..i;m gonna do a book review..
Have been reading some ghost stories lately by this singapore writer..NO it's not russell lee. Its this dude that has his book titles thats always 'something' Nightmares .example...pussycatsmating nightmares . publisher is VJ times..i'm guessing u folks who actually read local ghost story books would have some idea by now. Well, i have 1 word for this series of stories...SUCKDONKEYBALLS(it's actually 3 words but if u do not leave spaces in between they become 1 word). Its horrible..full of terrible grammar, spelling, ugly fonts and stories so frightening they scare my pet rock into not moving at all.'s terrible. I bet i had classmates in primary school who could write better. For those of you who don't believe wat i say..go read some of those books. If i could i would lift an entire passage from one of those short stories in it and post it here for u guys to read but that would be an infringement of copyright laws.
However, to every bad shit that comes about there's always a silver lining to it..and in this case, i have discovered that the stories in the book make u crap faster. No it's not becos it's so scary u shit ur;s becos u wanna hurry the shit up and get out of the toilet so u dun have to finish the book. Yes it's true. Its great material to leave in your toilet especially if u have someone living in your house that takes forever to get his crap done in the morning when u're rushing to use it.
Yes, thats a lame ass post. Yes the post has no useful information at all..but as i said, it's been kinda slow and 2 sparrows landed outside my front door, gonna call CNA and tell them to come down and report on that too.

Monday, January 21, 2008

what pisses me off... chapter 5... vol I

I.R.BADBOYZ - So... here we are again... and as usual... i'm pissed... and although the picture above is that of a Toyota Prius ( A Hybrid car known for it's fuel efficiency and what not ), it's not the reason of why I am pissed... though i have to admit that the car itself is one of the ugliest i've ever seen and you will never catch me dead in one of those...
But this post is not about the car... no no no... it's about those ass turds that actually buy it... you know, hippies... i mean the car itself is not a cheap car... it actually costs more that most normal toyotas, suzukis or hondas out there... so why do people even buy this car?.. is it because it is very economical?... why?...
A person buys a car because it is convenient to do so... Because they have a passion for driving... So why would you buy a car that costs as much as a mid-range car even though it is a little bit more fuel efficient?...
Hippies who buy this car claim that they are saving the world in doing so... I've got another way for you to save the world hippies... take the fuckin BUS!!!... Walk or something... But do NOT!... And i repeat... DO NOT! Buy a hybrid car and claim that you are saving the world in doing so... Cos in doing so you are a hypocrite... If a person were to buy a Prius because they love the car then i do not have any objections to that cos love is blind... but if you claim that you buy a hybrid car because you believe in saving the world then you are a no-good-stinking-hippie... it's like saying that if you blow a guy up its way better than stabbing him to death because the poor guy would not be able to feel the pain... cos if you really are sorry for the guy, you would not have killed the guy in the first place...

Moral of the story: Hippies suck. And if you are one, then may you get herpes. And may you be the first person in the world to die from Herpes as well. That will be awesome. I'll definitely blog about that if that happens.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Real Life Topics On Paper - episode 03

if its to small to read, double click on the picture.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Need3head Crew explores :Changi Airport Terminal 3

As you all have read it in the news. Our Singapore's very own Changi International Airport has opened it's new Terminal 3 wing. And since not much has been going on lately, we decided to have a fun trip. Now for us, a fun trip requires three essential ingredients. These ingredients are listed as follows:
  1. Location, location, location... (In this case it's Changi Airport T3)
  2. A Camera. (A handphone camera works just as well)
  3. Last but not least, 73kgs of I.R.BADBOYZ.

Finally we reached T3!!! Instead of taking the MRT train, the crew took the bus to experience the nostalgia of an airport visit. And just like T1 and T2, don't expect T3's bus depot level to look any different. Amazing how in more than 15 or so years, they still have not come up with a nicer outlook for their basement level. But that was not the case once we entered through the glass doors.

And as usual, I.R.BADBOYZ has to touch everything he sees inside. Like it's some kind of weird tradition or phase that he goes through. Here are some of the pictures just to show you what i meant by that.

Touch! (At Basement 2)

Touch! (*sigh*)

Touch! (He just won't stop)

Touch! (A Dog made of Lego Inside the NTUC)

Touch! (Just what it is with him and touching things...)

Overall, the new terminal was amazingly huge. And the Transit area was amazing.(Not that we got to go inside to actually look at it.) And the best part. Popeye's Chicken is back!!! Praise to whoever it is that should be praised.
And as we came near to the end of our little trip. It became apparent as to why I.R.BADBOYZ was touching everything he found interesting. And it just so happened that we caught it on video as well. Just see what happens when I.R.BADBOYZ touched the last touch on the most interesting piece in the new terminal 3. Watch the video below and behold... the power of I.R.BADBOYZ.

Yeah we know he's an idiot. But a powerful one at that.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Global Warming

I.R.BADBOYZ - Now once in while. I get serious about shit. And you know i get serious about shit when the shit that i type do not end with three dots. because the shit that I am gonna be shitting about is some really serious shit that will be affecting all the shit that's going to happen to us in our shitty future. And this shit is called Global Warming.
And it does not really have much to do with me having a problem with Global Warming. But rather it's me having a problem with idiots who truly believe that humans are responsible for it. For some reason, almost everybody in the world believes what Al Gore said is true.
FYI: Al Gore was once vice-president to U.S. President Clinton and also a once wannabe President as well. Who happened to received a prestigious Noble Prize for making the world believe that Global Warming exists.
And honestly you have to give it to him. If i was able to convince the world that I can shoot laser off the head of my penis, they'll probably give me a Nobel Prize as well.
There has been no REAL scientific study that substantiates the belief that humans are responsible for Global Warming. Just an A-hole who made a video movie about it and won a prize from it. Think about it, really think. If scientists or meteorologists ( or whatever ologists that study the environment) were able to actually calculate and deduce that we were responsible for Global Warming. Would'nt have they been able to have predicted the weather that we're gonna have in the next few days correctly and accurately?
Because I don't know about you, but watching or listening to the weather forecast is one of the most useless things that i have ever done in my whole life. So just don't believe in what you hear or see on TV. Think. Just think about it for a while.

Moral of the Story: Global Warming is happening. It's inevitable. And it's a natural phenomenon. Like Weather Seasons or the Ice Age. So stop thinking who or which shit is responsible for it and start thinking of what we are going to do about this shit.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Real Life Topics On Paper - episode 02

if its to small to read, double click on the picture.

Real Life Topics On Paper - episode 01

if its to small to read, double click on the picture.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

New Content?

ReD_eYe - Hello NeeD3HeaDeRS! We got something new for all our fans out there. There will be few new items on the site real soon and one of them is 'Real Life Topics On Paper'. What is it all about? Well, it's a secret. You guys just have to keep your eyes on the site a little while longer. So Watch This Space!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Useless things in the world - Part Three

ReD_eYe - Okay, next on the list of useless things in the world is something very annoying and somehow people will still pass it on after reading this. Chain mails, yes its chain mails fellow need3headers. No, no, it’s not the suit of armor that blokes in England wore for combat during the medieval era. It’s the one that attempts to induce the recipient to make a number of copies of the letter/mail and then pass them on to one or more new recipients. To me chain mail is useless and has no meaningful thing behind it (well apart from its amusing story). What are people trying to accomplish by sending or creating some random message/email to their friends that they will have 7 years bad luck if they do not forward the message/email to their other friends? It is ridiculous! It is a waste of time and effort to forward something so useless and dumb. Chain mail now exists in emails, Friendster and You Tube to name a few.
Let me give a fine example of a chain mail:

Good Luck!! I hope it works...
May there always be work for your hands to do;
May your purse always hold a coin or two;
May the sun always shine on your windowpane;
May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain;
May the hand of a friend always be near you;
May God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.
OK, this is what you have to do....
Send this to all of your friends! But - you HAVE to send this within 1 hour from when you open it!
Now.................Make a wish!!!!!!
I hope you made your wish! Now then, if you send to:
1 person --- your wish will be granted in 1 year
3 people --- 6 months
5 people --- 3 months
6 people --- 1 month
7 people --- 2 weeks
8 people --- 1 week
9 people --- 5 days
10 people --- 3 days
12 people --- 2 days
15 people --- 1 day
20 people --- 3 hours

If you delete this after you read it... you will have 1 year of bad luck! But... if you send it 2 of your friends you will automatically have 3 years of good luck!!! :-)

Please let me tell you a little secret. You do not need to forward or send such email to your friends and family. And don’t worry because you will not have (add number of years here) of bad luck and your (add name of love one here) won’t leave you for another man/woman. I have been deleting such mails for years and I have yet to receive this “bad luck”. In fact my luck seems to be better after each deletion! If you have faith in yourself then good luck will come, naturally. Don’t be deceived by some geek behind a computer screen creating and then sending these nonsensical and annoying mails to keep him occupied and entertained. Don’t let the geek win. Please. If that won’t change your mind from sending these chain mails to other people, let me do it in a different approach. Be in mind that most of these mails have viruses in them. You people know what is a computer virus is right? Well for the Mats and Minahs out there I shall ‘educate’ you guys on computer viruses. For the Mats, computer viruses, in a nutshell, are “little” things that will delete your downloaded porn without your approval (eh Sial ah!?!). As for the Minahs, computer viruses will delete your digital pictures you taken in (add name of hangout spot here) without your approval. Well, after reading this article and you are still not convinced that you should not forward chain mails, let me tell you this:

If you send/forward anymore chain mails to your friends and family after reading this you will get a lifetime of bad luck and you will be poor for the rest of your life. But if you stop sending or forwarding such chain mails you will be blessed and mountains of (add your country’s currency here) will appear in your bank account in 3 days!

Something Crossed my mind...

I.R.BADBOYZ - I actually did not intend to write a blog today... but something crossed my mind, one thing led to another and here I am... It's late at night and sometimes I pass the time on youtube and spell checking the errors in the blog... And as usual my stomach starts to grumble a bit and I go down to the 24hours Shop'N'Save store in my neighbourhood...
Please bear with me on this... carrying on with the story... actually there is also a 7-eleven in my neighbourhood as well but i wanted to try some other microwavable food... ( Oh My God!... 'Microwavable' is an actual word!.. ) And as i was browsing through the food at the Shop'N'Save, I started to get a lil' bit irritated by it... Cos Microwave foods kind of defeat their own freaking purpose nowadays... Cos they all seem to come with a set of instructions that are specifically designed to mess with you... Instructions like; Thaw before cooking or stir regularly during microwave process ( how? ) and other weird instructions on heat levels and time... And the Microwave Ovens are not making it any easier either... With buttons and numbers that don't make sense or are in any way compliant with the instructions given by the freaking Microwave food!!!... Instead of putting the heat setting on the knob as Low, Medium and High on the Oven... There are pictures of Chickens with one, two or three lines of smoke coming from them... What the cunt does the number of smoke have to do with the heat level of the freaking microwave... for all i know, one line means the chicken is farting, two says its starting to smell and three means it's burnt... stop trying to confuse people you stupid ass Microwave Oven and Food companies...
Take a hint from 7-eleven... Where all you freaking have to do is to see what freaking number is clearly labeled on the freaking Microwave Food ( These numbers range from 1 to 4 and are pretty obviously displayed)... And press the same freaking number on the corresponding button on the freaking Microwave Oven... wait for the timer countdown to freaking stop and you know this when the freaking bell goes freaking 'Ting' you freaking idiotic ass of an excuse of a homo sapien... And your freaking food is freaking ready to be eaten... Congrats-Your-Freaking-Lations to 7-eleven for being the only company to have ever done this...

Moral of the Story: I don't think that anybody has ever put the words 'pretty obviously displayed' together in a sentence or phrase before... and since my spellcheck seems to be okay with it I shan't bother to correct it either... but you have to admit that I pretty obviously diplayed some freaking talent for word combination there don't ya think... freakin awesome...

THe BIGGEST WHORE in the universe..chapter1(i;m expecting more)

CRap_-_ Hey people, it's been awhile since i added any thing to the site and I.R.BADBOYZ is starting to go haywire with his load of hate message..yo cool down you silly goose..

Anyway, I was randomly surfing around in youtube when i came across this dude. I bet you guys can remember him, he's that turd who was stripping and dancing and prancing around on TV awhile back in his yellow underwear. No names will be mention but you may find out more from this site "". I will strictly not refer to his name or who he is except for his yellow undies. Remember... I did not mention his name at all, so dun say i'm trying to hurl abuse at him directly, becos i have not mentioned his name at Remember folks, it's You may find out more from that site. I will not write on too much about him as you can you read all about it on the site
Apparently, this whore thinks he's the most handsome dude in the world. I can safely say now that Singapore is not entirely free from delusional people yet. Hey whore, if you really wanted to be so freaking famous, why not start some weird opposition party called WRUS(whores are us), instead of scaring the crap out of innocent people who walk by you or just want to watch a decent show on TV. Its a wonder why no one has locked this little turd crap whore in some dark damp cell somewhere under Bukit Timah Hill and set up explosives around his cell so that no one can attempt to free him, not like that would ever happen. I am still severely traumatised after reading stuff on that website. If you think you see a lot of crap whenever u look into your toilet bowl after taking a nice poo, think again..that's site even more full of it. I have no idea why anyone with anything resembling a brain would actually do the crap he comes up with...i used to think i was full of crap but i have been greatly humbled.
Ok now..this dude also apparently has an issue with Xiaxue..some blogger girl who's very famous but i have apparently no idea who she is(actually i do, just dun wanna raise her ego too all). On Youtube there's a video of them on some channel 8 variety show where they sort of had a "debate" and he even made a video to sort of insult this girl.I'm not a big fan of Xiaxue either, cos i dun really know who she is, but man..if u wanna insult someone,pls dun make it end up like u're the retard insulting yourself with stupid lines like..quoting from video."Xiaxue, you're dusty." or my personal fav"Xiaxue, u sucks , u sucks u sucks u sucks." Lame i say..very more imaginative and be sure you learn more about the English language before you try anything similar again, such a disgrace to human society. Yo yellow undies whore, quit picking on lil girls and stop the stupid crap blogs on u and her in your "adventure" wanna start something..come pick on the need3head crew..i'm waiting...we're waiting! You have just managed to piss me off..well done u turd.

ANd on case u're wondering what that pic up there is about..i have no idea.. but as u can see i have directly mentioned his name at all, so no direct insults were made to the yellow undies whore piece of turd pig. I could be referring to anything, whether fictional or non-fictional ..however, remember to visit to those folks who are suicidal or hate life and you could never find a reason to kill yourself's

Sunday, January 6, 2008

what pisses me off... chapter 4... vol I

I.R.BADBOYZ - Sigh... I seem to be pissing off a lot lately... a minor side effect to keeping myself well hydrated... but that's beside the point...
As you can see above is a picture of a man... not just any man... he's a legend, a doctor and most of all the biggest asswipe in the entire world... for people outside of Singapore who do not know him... He is the infamous Dr Chee Soon Juan of Singapore... And the reason I do not trust doctors who have graduated from the University of Georgia... This man is a member of one of our country's political party namely SDP (i think it stands for Sucking Dicks & Penises i think... i'm not too sure... just could not be bothered to research into it...)
People wonder why Singapore does not support their opposition parties... well, with oppostion political party leaders like the above mentioned, how can you expect us to do so... and it's not that i'm a fan of PAP... let's just focus on the dick stick doctor for the moment... but that does not mean that PAP is safe from my wrath... they are safe for now...
To save some space and time i shall call him Dr CSJ(sound's kinda like an STD does'nt it)... Dr CSJ is convinced that our current government is taking away our freedom and rights and what not... He quotes examples like the time he was arrested for holding a demonstration outside of Istana(where our President lives)... and he claims that it was not fair as he had applied for a permit/license to have that demonstration(which was of course denied)... how 'unreasonable' the government must be to deny him to conduct a rally outside the President's house... maybe next time he should try to conduct a rally inside a military installation... he might have a better chance to obtain a permit there... what an imbecile...
Honestly Dr CSJ... it's fine that you want to fight for the people... if i were to have a conversation with him here's how it would definitely go:

I.R.BADBOYZ: Hey Dr Chee... So Chee-boy... what's up?
Dr CSJ: We have to stop the PAP! They are taking away our rights! We have no Freedom!
I.R.BADBOYZ: Umm... oooookay... so..... what do you want us to do?
Dr CSJ: Vote for me! Vote for SDP! Stop the PAP!
I.R.BADBOYZ: ....okay.... so what will you do if you come to power?
Dr CSJ: We will get rid of the PAP! No more PAP!
I.R.BADBOYZ: let me rephrase the question 'doctor'... what kind of policies will you implement if you were to come to power?
Dr CSJ: Huh?... No more PAP! They will be gone!
I.R.BADBOYZ: So then what?
Dr CSJ: We will have Freedom! PAP will be gone!
I.R.BADBOYZ: Are you an idiot?
Dr CSJ: Umm... Vote for me?
I.R.BADBOYZ: Huh... what?... Hang on... WHAT IS YOUR NAME?...
Dr CSJ: Vote for SDP?...
I.R.BADBOYZ: Oh my god... he's a Retard...

Moral of the Story: If you want to get a PHD easily, all you have to do is to go to the University of Georgia in the United States... Because if a stupid retard like him can become a doctor... i don't see why anybody else can't... And the next time you see a doctor please do check that they did not graduate from that institution... don't say i did not warn you... and the next time you guys see him doing anything stupid on the street... do us all a favour and pee on him or something... and dont worry... i dont think the police will catch you for that... especially not after what Dr CSG has put our men in blue through all these years...

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Useless things in the world - Part Two

ReD_eYe - Okay for today's useless thing in the world, it is something really, really annoying. You have seen these shiny little buggers before. They usually hangout at the MRT underground stations like Raffles Place and such. They provide us with "comfort" while we wait for the train to arrive. Well, I'm not talking about the normal proper benches but the new shiny 'slip and slide' benches.

First thing first, it does look stylish and shiny. I believe it is made of aluminium or something and with the station's air-conditioning, it makes the surface of the bench cold. ICE COLD!!! That is not the only thing, the bench also have a smooth surface. It is so smooth you can slide off the darn thing just as you sit on it. It is more like a slide found in children's' playground than a bench for my liking. All of the money we spend on riding the train and this is what we get? Amazing isn't it? There was this one time on my way home from work, where I saw an old lady trying her best to keep her footing just to sit on the shiny bench. It was amusing to watch at first, but after seeing her struggling to sit on it, it kind of felt like a sick joke.

Who does SMRT think they are? Do they think these shiny benches are some fun idea of a joke? You know what will be a joke? A SMRT Train getting knocked off its tracks by an archer. If that happens, then we can call it even.

369 Warriors?

I.R.BADBOYZ - (I made a little poem... or rhyme or whatever you call it... just sing it as you would sing 'This Old Man')

These three mats
They Act Tough
I knew better
And Called Their Bluff

So I Bitch Slapped
Jacked their Backs
Stuffed it with a Bone
These Three Mats
Went Crying Home...

Just what the hell is wrong with Singapore today... You know we're screwed when we have dumbass gangsters 'advertising' themselves on YouTube... I don't mean no disrespect... but A Bitch named Susan could beat up those three stooges... It's embarrassing that when girls walk home late at night that they are more scared of the Apeks loitering about than the Gangsters that inhabit the damn island... and it's all thanks to this video... Great Job there you three useless ass turds... reminds me of an old Malay saying... "Kecik Kecik Tanak Mampos, Sudah Besar Susahkan Orang" ( Excuse my Malay... I was never really good at it anyways... ) the meaning behind it is that When these buggers were young, they refused to die and as they have grown old, they became a burden to our society...
And for our infamous Singapore gang 369... i believe that only way for you guys to redeem your gangs reputation is to find these guys... and do what you got to do... Peace Out...

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Useless things in the world - Part One

ReD_eYe - Well it is about time for me to write something for the new year. And what better thing to write about something so useless and redundant in our world today. Be in mind all the things I'm going to write in this article is final. So your job is to read and then comment. You may agree or disagree the things I am going to say but the bottom line is, it is just my point of view on useless and redundant things in the world today, nothing more and nothing less.

With the introduction out of the way, on with the useless thing in my mind today. The useless thing in my mind today is Singapore's Speakers' Corner. When is the last time you've been at Hong Lim Park and actually see somebody speak their lungs out about things they are pissed or glad about. Speakers'Corner was established by the government on September 1, 2000, at Hong Lim Park. The small park is notable for the presence of a large nearby police station. The Speakers' Corner was established owing to dissatisfaction amongst Singaporeans who have few or no venues to air their public opinions. Only Singaporean citizens who have registered with the police at the police station are allowed to speak. Speeches are subject to national laws, for example, racial and religious issues prohibited. The Corner is opened during daylight hours, from 7 am to 7 pm, every day of the year.

Initially it was a popular venue, with 400 speakers registering in the first year, by 2006 this figure was down to 26. What about 2007? It is safe to assume that there was absolutely no one went there to voice out their concerns. Why is it useless today? Well its technology my fellow need3headers (yes I have brand the people that read our articles as need3headers). Internet is the better way to voice your concern. Blogs, forums and bulletin boards are a better option than "Speakers' Corner". That's what I am doing today, to prove a point. Its less tiring and I can voice out anywhere (anywhere with a computer and Internet connection that is). Well it is now a venue for young people to play soccer and sports. Singapore Speakers' Corner is so useless and redundant to voice out your opinions; unless your 50 cent, Justin Timberlake and Timberland because their tired of using technology.

'Cock' stories

CRap_-_ Ok guys..I'll be having a series of 'cock' stories occasionally. I'll like to thank my fren who has been giving me the inspiration for this series of "true life genuine information".
I have been having what they call a writer's block recently, until i met him again. He's really a nice guy, really! So all you female single readers out there who are interested may try to bribe me for his number, he's the best bf u can ever get.I'm being honest when i say this, no sarcasm watsoever. Please send me a personal message if u wish to meet him.
Ok enough blabbering..on to the main topic..
I have just been told that you can "shoot down" an mrt train with an arrow! Its true, the source i heard it from swears by it. Apparently, his brother , who's in archery club or something actually shot an arrow at an mrt and it sorta fell off! If i;m not mistaken, he managed to take down the train from quite a distance, at least a few hundred metres. And if you also suspected that the govt was covering up major incidences, this would be a great example becos i believe it was never reported in the media at all. No one has heard abt it either. Its so believeable aint it. I am thinking of writing to mindef to get this great archer and make him the lead trainer of archery in the army. Think of it..we won;t have to carry stupid M-16s or Sar21s anymore..just a bow and arrow and u can take down something as huge as an mrt train. Why with even more training, we may get a bunch of elite archers that can shoot down fighter jets! Watch Out u legendary Agincourt bowmen .. we singaporean archers are gonna kick ur butts WOOT! And imagine the amount of money we can save just by getting arrows and bows instead of buying expensive guns, rockets, missiles..imagine the great savings in the military budget! woohoo!! I swear it's all true cos it's his real brother who shot down the mrt train .
But however, i sorta forsee a slight problem with this great weapon. Since it can take down an mrt train, terrorist might want to steal this amazing bow and arrow and use it as a Weapon of MASS DESTRUCTION(WMD). We will have to safeguard our discovery and build a giant metal shield that covers our land to prevent it from falling into the wrongs hands, becos with great power comes greater responsibility. It will be our duty to make sure it stays with us.
However even with this down point, i can tell that there is much potential in this amazing discovery and our nation can be the next super power in the world!

Ok that's it for sure to look out for more amazing 'cock' stories contributed from time to time by my great informant.

All views in this posts are of my own except for the base storyline that was supplied to me thru sources that wish to remaind anonymous. Any references to person or persons is purely coincidental and totally fictional except for the source which i get my inspiration from. Please do not sue me as i have no money and making me a bankrupt is a waste of time.If you find anything i write offensive, pls do not come to the site anymore, you were not forced to read anything i post and were stupid enough to stumble upon the site..TOO BAD.No animals were harmed while this post was typed cept for the stupid mosquito that was buzzing around.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Resolutions... from the Need3head crew

I.R.BADBOYZ - There are a few reasons why I am at home right now not celebrating the new year... With the reasons being:-
1) ReD_eYe went AWOL on me and went to celebrate the new year with some bugger who was offering him free booze or something...
2) My Flu has gotten so bad that my head hurts like hell. And to be honest I was actually planning to bail on Red_eYe but the jerk-off actually beat me to it...

I honestly have never been a big fan of celebrating the new year... Cos it just reminds me of the fact that I ave wasted yet another year doing absolutely nothing really productive... and honestly i don't care much for 2008 but I would like to set some new years resolutions that I will most definitely never be able to accomplish... why do I do that you ask?... well... it kind of puts things into perspective for myself... So without further a due, here are my resolutions for this year:-
  • To host the BBC top motoring show 'Top Gear'. ( This is actually a real goal of mine )
  • To enter in the F1 Grand Prix. ( Any team will do really... i just want to crash an F1 car to see how it will feel like )
  • To pull off an elaborate heist on Singapore's up and coming Casino. ( Although I might have to push this resolution next year because I don't think they can finish it by this year)
  • To commit more crimes and get away with it. ( You should have seen the amount of rubbish I threw all over the place last year... You'll never catch me you incompetent environment officers... Nyaaaaaaaah!!!! )
  • To find Taufik Batisah and spray his foundation wearing face with Mace. (although I have yet to locate a source for me to purchase the Mace that I require... so if you do know how to get some please comment on this page )
Well.... i'll leave the rest of the space of this post for Crap and ReD_eYe to write their resolutions...

Crap_-_ Well, its time for a much more serious post without the usual vulgarities and nonsense rantings. 2007 has passed, finally.. I'm not gonna say it had been a horrible year but me and 2007 sorta got off on a wrong start(i was at the countdown party last year and only managed to get a freaking cab at 4am..even though i tried calling to book..the booking cab came at 4am.. AMAZING) 2007 has been quite interesting. I would call it the year of extremes for me. EXtremely bad and ExTremely great at certain points. To Summarise 2007, i had fun, had some very interesting times, fell in love( I'm serious), had a load of crap fall on relationships, got drunk a few times, all in a very messed up year as i felt like i was in some kind of stupid drama serial sometimes. Let's hope 2008 has less drama , no mamas and all the good things in life i missed out last year happens now..*fingers crossed* Oh yeah, i still hate you Vegetarian Cows who refuse to eat meat, may u grow udders . AND to those of you (you know who u are~) who wanna tell me u had a bad year/bad day/bad hour/bad min/bad sec...May you go F#!% yourself you piece of turd!!! unless ur family died, u have aids,ebola, half your house got destroyed, your whole house got destroyed, car fell into the depths of the earth and melted, etc.. DO NOT TELL ME wat u have been thru, u have no fucking idea.. OH NO i cuss!! oh shit oh crap.. so much for resolutions..hahaha happy new year

* P.S. to the guy up there who likes messing my life up.. STOP IT and go find someone else to play with

ReD_eYe - A brand new year huh? Well apart from putting socks in the mouths of people that love to whine, my new year resolution is simple. Be a good person and make reasonable goals for this year. Well 2008 is a year where i have lived two lunar calender cycles and I tend to make 2008 a memorable one. Its been a great 2007. Alot of things has happened. Some things were lost and new ones were gained. At the end of the day, we should not dabble on the past but look forward to the future. We hope to make a mark in history, so we have to work hard for the future. Have a good year and to Mr I.R.BADBOYZ, sorry man I really am. But to make you feel better I did not meet him either. I went to see the fireworks instead... It was beautiful... So anyone up to watch a movie???