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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Musical In Me...

Singapore is a great place to live in. Its clean, green and peaceful. Apart from having a high cost of living, I repeat again, Singapore is a great place to live in. Now let see if Singapore is a FUN place to live in? Well for starters we have our "night life" scene, which is in turn, pretty darn boring.

The clubs found in Singapore these days are not what they used too be. Most of them are littered with degenerates and people want to get wasted. The last time I check getting wasted isn't fun at all.

What is fun? Well according to 'Fun' is define as follows:

1. something that provides mirth or amusement: A picnic would be fun.
2. enjoyment or playfulness: She's full of fun.

–verb (used without object), verb (used with object)
3. Informal. joke; kid.

4. Informal. of or pertaining to fun, esp. to social fun: a fun thing to do; really a fun person.
5. Informal. whimsical: flamboyant: The fashions this year are definitely on the fun side.

6. for or in fun, as a joke; not seriously; playfully: His insults were only in fun.
7. like fun, Informal. certainly not; of doubtful truth: He told us that he finished the exam in an hour. Like fun he did!
8. make fun of, to make the object of ridicule; deride: The youngsters made fun of their teacher.

OK, I think I am going too technical here. Let me Keep It Short and Sweet, fun is basically to occupy your boring life with an activity of happiness and enjoyment. Getting wasted isn't an activity of happiness nor enjoyment its more like one step closer to alcohol poisoning.

Anyways my argument here dear readers, is that Singapore is in need of fun places and fun activities. Or am I wrong?

Well the Integrated Resort may or may not be a fun place to hangout and have fun activities. But we have wait and see how that turns out.

At mean time why not go too the movies to have fun? I can agree watching movies can indeed be fun (unless you are watching "The Day Earth Stood Still" or "Contact") but its too common nowadays.

Well there is an alternative. It may cost a bit more but the enjoyment level can surpass what you can get from the movies. Its Musicals. Yes I said it. I am not turning into a Faggalar or anything like that but Musicals and Comedy shows are places you can get utmost enjoyment in our tiny little island of ours. That what's the Esplanade is for. Here is a video from a musical called "Avenue Q" recently played in the Esplanade, check it out.

So what do think? With shows like that in the Esplanade wouldn't be fun to go to a Musical? And at the same time, you can even impress your significant other with your new taste of entertainment.

Monday, November 24, 2008

THE RETURN OF stuff that piss me off

Crap _-_ the "stuff that pisses me off" series hasn't been out for awhile.. this is just my attempt at bringing it least for awhile..before it dies off again.
So anyway..this entry will be about personality of people that piss me off

1. The " I am god almighty " people - ok..these are the folks that think they are correct, all the time, everytime. Their views are mostly "Divine" and if u defer from them..u will be branded an infidel.. stuff like " oh.. u are most sinner" or " u are so wrong" are words spouted from them rather often. well.. 3 words for people like these " SUCK MY BALLS". yes most holy of holiest.. why do u drool so much when u see women around u and saying the drool belongs to me. Just for your INFO.. i do not drool when i am turned on..i CUM all over..can u CUM? i guess not.. Pretending to be free of "sin" ( what the heck is sin anyway but just another 3 letter word)..u disgust me..and if there is a hell.. i'll be seeing u there

2. The "sob story" people - well..omg..ur great great great grand mama died?? or ur alien bf from the planet Olioto came back to earth and hit u with a frying pan that destroyed half your house? and somehow..the TALEBAN are taking your family hostage so u gotta save them, which u managed to do with only 1 eye and half a leg still attached to your blown up body by running thru the evil base of terror at super sonic speed.. erm.. wake up.. cos do u honestly think we believe that?

3. The " i shall not let u see what the fuck i am doing becos i am a cunt sucking whoring piece of fat little turdish sandwich fuck fuckity fucked " people - selfish self deluding cunts who think the whole world wants a piece of them. Really? i would rather polinate plants than fuck u.

4. The "closet gay sympathisers" - firstly..i would like to mention that i do not really have anything against gay people... my hatred is directed at BI-sexual Guys (do not infect normal women with ur diseases which you u picked up after being screwed in the A Hole by your friendly male buddies)... just that i do not agree with their views but its all well as long they keep within their own community and do not try to be gay around me..i will remove their happiness ( just FYI .. GAY = happy). however i do have issues with folks who say " oh yah gay people suck." but den go on to make friends with them.. erm..why? just wonder how often u sell out others just to your own benefit .. guess i'll be seeing u in hell too...just for the record..u are worse than bi-sexual guys..becos u'll try to screw everything and anything.

Actually when u come of think of it..all mentioned are just sub-species of one another, therefore each personality i described may manifest themselves in one person. so why did i seperate them? and why did i spell separate wrongly? becos it's my blog and i can do whatever i want.. and yes..there are more types of folks i find that really annoy me but i am just feeling lazy to type about them..maybe next time. And if there is really a heaven and hell waiting for us in the afterlife.
I PITY THE FOOLS WHO BELIEVE THEY ARE HEADED TO HEAVEN.. i may not like where i am going but at least i know where i'm u?

Thursday, October 16, 2008

What WoW Does To People...

ReD_eYe - This guy gave the game, World Of Warcraft a whole new level. I found this article in yahoo games and I just want to share it with you guys out there:

Gamer juggles over 30 Warcraft characters

Meet the mad king of Azeroth.

By Ben Silverman

Think you play too much World of Warcraft?

Compared to "Prepared," you don't.

In a case of game addiction gone officially bananas, gaming blog Joystiq reports on what is surely the biggest Warcraft fan of them all. Known only under the moniker "Prepared," the gamer plays a stunning 36 W
orld of Warcraft accounts on 11 different computers...simultaneously.

Stemming from a desire to manage raids -- large-scale gameplay sessions that typically require the teamwork of multiple players -- all by himself, the die-hard gamer seems undaunted by both the financial and lifestyle commitments to such a geeky endeavor.

"It costs me exactly $5711 in subscription costs per year with 36 accounts on the 6 month pay schedule," he writes. "Not bad considering I'm looking at it like it's a hobby and there are more expensive hobbies out there than World of Warcraft."

Like yachting, perhaps. And despite the downturn in the economy, Prepared can't wait to get his hands on the upcoming Warcraft expansion, Wrath of the Lich King.
"I plan to be at the store when it opens and will purchase 36 copies of it. With tax, it should be about $1500 for all of them." Word of Prepared's over-the-top addiction comes on the heels of the annual Blizzcon Convention, a fan-oriented celebration of the games created by Warcraft publisher Blizzard.

Well, thank God I am not like this guy. And thank God I don't play World of Warcraft. And even if I do and I came across him somehow in one of the WoW servers, I might PM him and say , "Dude you're crazy!" and then I logout. Don't want to get owned by all of his 36 characters simultaneously. But I got to say to have that much computers and monitors in my room would be awesome.

Arabians and their 1001 nights...

I.R.BADBOYZ :- Arabian nights, a thousand and one tales, a thousand and one nights or whatever it is that you may call it. I honestly do not care about those thousand and one tales. I do not even care as to why there is a thousand and one of it. But i can imagine how bored that person might have been to have written it. That is of course if all of these tales had been written by a single Arab man or woman or she male or whatever really.
What i am concerned, or should i say am unnerved about is the fact that women have taken the whole 1001 nights general idea to heart. And that at some point in their life, some bitch has been teaching them these stuff. And for those of you who may not know what the 1001 Arabian nights tale is all about. Here is a brief summary.

" Sultan's wife cheats on him, Sultan get's pissed, calls all the women in the world cunts and declares war on them. Then he marries only virgins and kills them on the day of the marriage ( After having sex of course ). Last virgin, scared shitless of being killed, stretches out some story that she cunt-cocted for a period of 1001 nights. Sultan for some reason likes her after that. And decides not to kill her. The fucking end".

Of course when the story is told to the fairer sex, i think the person forgot to mention the part where the Sultan's first wife cheated on him. Carrying on, females believe and swear by this stories so much so that they play games with us guys. In hope that someday, us guys will gain interest in them. As opposed to telling the guy she likes everything that she feels about him, scared that it may result in him just leaving or lose interest or having sex with her and then lose interest. And i must admit, they have a valid point. But i myself also do have a valid point. And here it is.... Why do you want a feminist-bashing-virgin-killing murderer to fall in love with you? I don't get it. Do you?

Moral of the story: Why do you want a feminist-bashing-virgin-killing murderer to fall in love with you? Seriously why? It's just one of those questions that i have in which the answers tend to escape me. Like how did gurmit singh ever manage to attract a female? And at what age did he abandon his todi? Who knows...

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Rambo V: The Arcade?

ReD_eYe - We (Myself and I.R.BADBOYZ) were at the Mall trying to kill some time when we decided to go to the arcade and play some fighting games. Instead we found something way cooler. It's Rambo the Arcade. It just SHIPPED IN!!! After few minutes enjoying the game's trailer/demo, I decided to give it a go. The machine took 4 tokens and a few seconds later, I was playing as John Rambo, ex-green beret. I have some video footage of myself, playing the game.

Sorry we were unable to show you the whole play through. At the end of the video you can see that the cameraman (I.R.BADBOYZ) suddenly stopped filming. This is because he was 'poked' (Yes I said it! Right in the lower ribs! Ooh kinky!) politely by one the arcade girls and asked to stopped filming the game. Well more mean more details and review about the arcade game soon.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Crap_-_ Hey there folks, its my holidays again..and man am i sooo bored.. been surfing the net lately and i suddenly came up with this idea.
Apparently, there is a sort of FIGHTCLUB in singapore.. for those who have watched the movie, which starred Brad Pitt, and no..Brad Pitt isn't dead yet we have to pray abit harder. anyway..this fightclub singapore is catered more towards boxing and has nothing watsoever to do with the fightclub portrayed in the movie.
However it suddenly struck me that since no one has officially started anything like that here yet..why not start one now..
Imagine, people meeting up to beat the crap out of one another to relieve stress, test their skills, or just being plain idiots..the motive isn't important.. but the main point is..which is to FIGHT.
SO folks..if you're interested in participating in such a leave your messages and if we have enough of you "fighters" we might just go ahead with it. remember..this is not a terrorist organisation so leave ur bombs, ak47s and Dildos at home. And yes..partly why i came up with this idea is because so many folks in singapore have been asking if there was a fight club in singapore.. so if you're interested..why not make this really happen..and who knows..u might even get to beat up that annoying boss of yours who refuses to approve your leave..

this is just my own opinion and mine alone, people who gather who fight for no reason are idiots..but as IR would say..any reason is a good reason, always better than no reason. And in case the ISD or NSA or Watever anti terrorist organisation is looking in..well..thank you for visiting and I do not have any WOMDs stop checking us out and visit instead? or maybe facebook

Friday, September 19, 2008

I am annoyed.. for real

Crap_-_ Lately i've been getting the feeling facebook is the best way to get the latest news. It seems that all i've been hearing is " HAVE YOU SEEN FACEBOOK?" or "KNOW WAT HAPPENED? check facebook". No longer is News 5 tonight or the CNN the best way to get the latest updates on happenings around the "world" and for the record.. i hardly get onto facebook, so i guess i'm not really into 'NEWs' ok...anyway, with that out of the way. i shall continue.
TO those that matter..
You guys are my friends, and have been there for me when i was down. Do not mistake this message as a declaration of war on u or watsoever, i have no time for that nonsense. IF i wanted a war, i would send a nuke.. this is just a post to let u know that i am your friend, only if u wish me to remain as one. Lately i know some of you have been going thru a rough patch, i think the people involved will know who i am directing this message to. Like i said, i am your friend, and if u folks need to pour out your woes on msn, sms, mms, or whatever other form of media, i'll lend a ear. If you needa get drunk or gorge yourself on food and piss all over yourself over that too just to feel better, i'll be there too if u want me to. BUT.. do not ever ever get me involved in your little wars directly. Sharing of your problems is what i'll appreciate, not making me part of your problems. Hopefully you people should learn to respect others if u expect me to respect you and not start saying things I don't even understand. Things like " you should know, apparently you've known for awhile" do not make sense to me when i have no fucking idea what your quarrels are, and who started it. I do not know who has WEAPONS of MASS DESTRUCTION and i do not really care who made the 1st nuclear bomb. We are not members of a political party.. what the hell do you think this is "World of SDP" ??? All i ever have knowledge about is on things that i see or hear and even then, i dun even trust my eyes sometimes. And how am i expected to trust people that cannot trust me? If the countless times we've gone thru shit together doesn;t matter.. den i better re evaluate my life. This is not the 1st time this has happened.. and i hope i never made an error of judgement when choosing my friends.
Please do not ever call me a bro, dude, friend or crap if this doesn't get through to u folks. I have said enough and man am i pissed. YOUR LIFE SUCKS, SO DOES MINE, lets leave it that way.

Geylang... the bazaar geylang i mean...

I.R.BABOYZ:- Today, or yesterday for that matter (since it is after midnight), i went out for a little excursion to Bazaar Geylang. With a wingwoman, you know, and of course she was a little useless in that sense. Actually i did not come across anything i liked, so can't really blame her totally.
Now back to the point. The Bazaar Geylang or Bazaar Raya (whichever tickles your fancy), is a yearly event that happens during the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan. It is where Muslims in Singapore go to buy items in preparation for the up and coming celebration that we call Hari Raya or Eid Mubarak. And as usual, there is pretty much nothing new to see in the bazaar. Asit has been the same as the year before, and the year before that. Except for one little detail of course.
I noticed that there have been a substantial increase in the number of shops that are selling motor vehicles. A lot of them actually. There are even a few of them that are selling brand new motorcycles as well. Here is a thought for you, imagine a friend of yours and you were to have the following conversation:

Friend: Hey dude, you want to follow me to the Bazaar at Geylang?
You: Yeah sure. But why?
Friend: Oh, i was thinking of buying a car. So i thought why not go to the bazaar and buy one.
You: Cool.

And i am pretty sure that this conversation has taken place. And notice that i have refrained from using any swear words. That is cos i'm fasting. Oh look. It's time to break fast. Fucking AWESOME!!!...

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Magnetic Death To You Too...

ReD_eYe - Death Magnetic the long awaited album from MetallicA. Being a huge MetallicA fan I bought it the day it was released 12th September 2008. The album is way way way different from St. Anger and to me this album is good.

Lets face it, MetallicA was super awesome in the 80's. You can't deny that. Over the years they 'evolve' and become totally different band. I think its something to do about cutting their hair short. Who knows maybe their hairs was the source of their previous 'Greatness'. That's a mystery no one wants to solve.

Being said that, Death magnetic is the right direction towards that 'Greatness'. Its not like the previous albums in the 80's, like Ride the Lightning or Master of Puppets but its something that head towards that style of metal. The music and lyrics are again similar to their early work.

An example would be the "The Day That Never Comes" which I believe is their first single for the album. The song is great and has that 'One' feel towards it. Maybe its the music video for the song that make me compare "The Day That Never Comes" to "One". The song (The Day That Never Comes) starts slow and has a ballad feel to it but as the song progress it feels upbeat and more heavy. The riffs at the end or the outro sounds like 'One' or something from ...And Justice For All.

Don't get me wrong though, the song is great, one of my favorites in fact. Nice to see there are some instrumental songs in the album. MetallicA may or may not lost the ability to write good lyrics but they sure know their music. The instrumental part was a great and something any MetallicA fan would enjoy. Each riffs and the piano piece (yeah I know! its the first for them I think) was great and heavy at most parts. You would know its a MetallicA riff if you heard it, its that prominent believe me. As for the drums, well lets say Lars Ulrich did a great jobs as always.

Overall this album is a good one. MetallicA fans alike should get it and listen to it. I advise you not to compare it to the older ones and listen to it as it is. You will then understand that they have gone back to the 'essence' of MetallicA.

4 stars out of 5 stars.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Donkeys are smart like cows are green

Crap_-_ Well, its been awhile since i posted anything up.. and i just noticed I've been starting most of my blogs with that line..
I also just noticed my fellow 2 other heads have been bz being patriotic, with their latest video showing how extremely patriotic they are towards our country. Well done guys.. next year's GST rebate will be twice the amount you are currently receiving now.
Anyway. i do not have any news or comments to post. Just thought i shud leave something here once awhile to mark my territory, like pissing next to a tree..just so people know i'm still alive. So thats all folks..and if you're wondering what the title has got to do with this blog? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.. and if u're pissed that u wasted ur life reading my entry? Please don't be.. cos spending time reading this post just goes to show that like me .. YOU HAVE NO there's nothing to waste

P.S. just for the record.. i still dun like that guy from

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I will sue you...

I.R.BADBOYZ:- I juat wanted to make one thing clear. That there are some words and or phrases that i may or may not have used in this blog that are my own. And by my own i mean that they are my own words and that anyone who is no one, should never ever try to copy my shit. Because i will not hesitate to sue your ass, and that goes double for you Gurmit Singh. And just so you know, the reason that i have put up this post is to show it as proof for being the first person to have come up with the following combination of words, so i better not see them being printed on some bloody T-Shirts without getting some bloody royalties.

Original Phrases or sayings by I.R.BADBOYZ:

1) Lick My Ass Hair
2) With Enough Authority, you can get away with anything.
3) With Enough Authoritar, you can get away with anythar.
4) Gotta Stop Feeling with my balls, Thinking with my heart and speaking with my mind.
5) aww crap... i forgot the last one... damn memory loss...

And no... Number 5 is not actually the saying i meant to write there, i simply forgot what i was supposed to write. But that does not mean that if somebody wrote number 5 on a T-shirt that i won't sue them.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Stand Up For Singapore...

ReD_eYe - Okay this is a short video I took during our NDP outing. There are photos of the mentioned outing as well. A photo speaks a thousand words but a video...Well you do the math. Anyways enjoy the video, enjoy the lameness, enjoy the fireworks and also enjoy 43 years of independence.

Well, there will be more videos coming your way. So check back soon. So Peace Out!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Bus And Fare Hike... again...

I.R.BADBOYZ : Damn you to hell SBS and SMRT... and most of all ... Gurmit Singh... damn you all to hell...

Ok now... let's start the blog. Apparently, it has come to my attention via reliable sources, and by reliable sources i mean Yahoo News (They are amazing by the way.), that both SBS and SMRT are planning to increase their fares again. What in the blue damn ass hell is going on here.( I love the fact that i can curse whatever the fuckety fuck fuck i want on this blog.) That is it, people, it's time for us all to bend down, show the bus and mrt people our butts and yell " Lick my ass hair you money-minded son of a gurmit singh!!!".
Let's all just start walking. Screw all of this riding on buses and mrts. Let's go back down to the old school. You can either buy cars and enjoy an hour of car jamming nonsense, or you can start walking to work, and gain a perky ass butt that makes you look that much better to the opposite sex. I'm just saying, sometimes to move ahead, you gotta step back a bit. So let's start walking, come on, buy your bottles of Johnny Walkers, and keep on walking. I.R.Badboyz out...

Moral of the Story: Start investing money on sidewalk side coffeeshops, or drink-stops. Let's get this ball rolling, START WALKING BITCHES!!!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Brazil vs Singapore Football Joke

ReD_eYe - It is just before Singapore v Brazil on Monday. Ronaldinho goes into the Brazilian changing room to find all his teammates looking a bit glum. "What's up?" he asks. "Well, we're having trouble getting motivated for this game. We know there’s a full house and everyone’s expecting a show but it's only Singapore. They're sh*te and we can't be bothered". Ronaldinho looks at them and says "Well, I reckon I can beat these by myself, you lads go down the pub." So Ronaldinho goes out to play Singapore by himself and the rest of the Brazilian team go off for a few jars. After a few pints they wonder how the game is going, so they get the landlord to put the teletext on. A big cheer goes up as the screen reads "Brazil 1 - Singapore 0 (Ronaldinho 10minutes)". He is beating Singapore all by himself! Anyway, a few more pints later and the game is forgotten until someone remembers "It must be full time now, let's see how he got on". They put the teletext on. "Result from the Stadium "Brazil 1 (Ronaldinho 10 minutes) – Singapore 1 (Indra 89 minutes)". They can't believe it, he has single handedly got a draw against Singapore!! They rush back to the Stadium to congratulate Ronaldinho. They find him in the dressing room, still in his gear, sat with his head in his hands. He refuses to look at them. "I've let you down, I've let you down." "Don't be daft, you got a draw against Singapore, all by yourself. And they only scored at the very, very end!" "No, No, I have, I've let you down... I got sent off after 12 minutes"

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Why i refer to women as 'crazy people'...

I.R.BADBOYZ:- You know, i'm not a sexist person. But there comes a time when i do think that when God created women, he probably has no idea what he was doing. Or maybe he does? Who knows. But I have always believed that we men, with our abilities to come up with complex stuff like computers and binary codes and what not, have always been unable to understand the female psyche. And for that valid reason, i call women 'Crazy people'. And believe you me ladies, from where we guys are standing, and if you were in our shoes, you would definitely understand.
I actually came across a book. And it was actually written by a female author for men to better understand women that is. And it had these equations as examples to how men and women react to different situations. And here's my version of it.

A man's thoughts...

1) Damn i'm hungry. Hey it's dinnertime already?
2) Maybe i'll eat some Mee Goreng, plus they'll be playing the soccer game on TV, so i can watch the game as well.
3) Let's go to Simpang Bedok.

Equation is:- 1 + 2 = 3
Simple, yes?

A female's thoughts...

1) I'm hungry. It's dinnertime isn't it?
2) I wonder if i go out to eat too much? Or maybe not enough? Have i paid my phone bill yet? Why does my boyfriend want to go to Simpang Bedok... That place reminds me of my ex's... Plus there was that incident with my Hair. That was awful. Maybe i should wash my hair before i go out? Why do guys like to eat so late? The food is nice... but it is so oily and fattening, plus it gives me gas. And that can be so embarrasing...
3) I can't go to dinner. I'm really overwhelmed. Why can't my boyfriend understand.

Equation is:- 1 + 2 X L(!!) + COS(y) / Tan(3.142) - Sin(t) = 3

I call it. Crazy people math.
i am so bored.

Moral of the story: Even though it is hard to learn and understand. But Mathematics is essential for use in everyday life. And it is of the utmost importance that we should learn it and practice it well. For we never know when we may need to use it.

Friday, June 13, 2008

I'm an asshole..need i say more?

Crap_-_.. ok folks..been MIA for awhile..well..guess what..i'm back! ANyway..came across this blog site. Hmm what does the title of this entry gotta do with this ?? well..i'm an'm gonna leave some rather unflattering remarks.

So..wat's this site about? it's another blog by another 'blogger'. Why am i gonna crap about it? ..BECAUSE i think he's gay. Read the posts..which guy in his right mind would call himself a "bitch"..oh..u like that huh? bitch.. and.. why does he mention something about finding himself a boyfriend. I dun even wanna mention about the stuff that's written..simply GAY.. well. the word "gay" also means happy..however this dude seems to be a bitchy sad we shud use call him BSH instead..becos he doesn;t seem gayishly gay at all.

Anyway.. there are thousands of dudes out there who blog like this.. about how everything's wrong with their lives. how the world seems so unfair. how they are pussies who can't just shutup .. PEOPLE.. wake UP!.. crying about all this emotional garbage makes u seem like a sensitive guy?? nope..just means u're a sad sad useless piece of crap. Yeah..i know there's probably someone who reads this post who's gonna say "omg..wat an insensitive piece of crap".Well u are right..CRap is insensitive..i mean..have u tried talking about ur feelings to ur own pieces of crap u make ?? Does the CRAP reply u and counsel u?

I remember a time not so long ago when people wrote about their feelings..especially their more negative emotions in a diary..have u people forgotten how to do that? get a pen..and a stupid notebook..and write ur all your "emotionally charged garbage" in it..and spare us from reading it online. People dun really care about how sad u are..or how gayishly gay u are.. spending time writing crap about how the world is unfair makes u look lame.. No one will really sympathise with u..especially if u are guys.. SO stop letting people know u are wussies and maybe u might actually get laid with a chick someday.

Well..thats my rants for today..Adios people..and i know u dun really care wat i write about go blame the world for ur lack of concern but please write it down somewhere which no one else can inside ur A hole or something..

Monday, April 28, 2008


Crap_-_ Ok folks..this topic is a breakaway from the usual crap i normally offload;s got to do with the OLympics..
Wat exactly is it? for those of you who have been living under a rock's this major global sporting event that held once every few many exactly i never bothered to count..never really followed it..and probably never will. Why den am i writing on it? Read on to find out.
Well a brief history on the Olympic games... In ancient greece, men from all over the country would come to compete for fame, glory and all that u actually gain fame from dashing along a mud track in the fastest amount of time..i will never understand. And oh yeah..they competed in the homo can it get. modern times..the atheletes no longer run around in the buff..thank goodness, can u imagine a bunch of guys running around the national stadium in the buff during the 100m's sooo wrong. this year it;s gonna be held in beijing, china. Well..and if u actually do watch tv or read the'll know by now that there;'s been a crap load of protests from people about it being held in china. What i do not understand is the reason they use for protesting. One of the reasons is that China is a serious offender of human rights..they apparently beat people with metal spikes there for staring or something as these protesters Alright..i;m gonna say this only once.. I do not know if they really do it like that there, but what i know is.. u can get whacked with a ten foot metal spiked poke anywhere u go, anywhere between Antartica and the North pole. So anyway..these protesters go..hey! let's boycott the olympics by head butting the torch bearers when they run thru our country.
So i guess harressing torch bearers on wheel chairs is very ethical eh..u know what incident i;m refering to..u dumb wankers.. Oh yeah.. and chasing torch bearers across half your cities is too right?? I can see your're only trying to help them run faster...amazing behaviour by these folks who call themselves human rights activists.. I hope u get a plane stuck up ur asses soon.
The Olympics is all about sports.. Nothing more.. I'm not gonna delve into the political reasons i believe are really behind all this nonsense because i believe politics and sports shud never be mixed together.. and IF China really had so many human rights violations with so many people dying all over the country..explain why it is the most populous nation in the world today..
I not boycott the olympics, whether it;s held in IRaq or Afghanistan or whatever.. Leave the sports to the sportsmen..and for those of u atheletes who are boycotting the games for one reason or another..SHAME ON YOU.. just admit u are not taking part because u know you can;t win and stop hiding behind all these stupid protesters. For those of you who are taking part and who support the olympics....thou i dun think i;ll be watching it much if at all.. I salute u and wish u all the best.. just try not to do run around naked.. unless you're a hot swimmer or gymnast in the women's team.. :)`

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Things that piss me off... Volume... umm...

I.R.BADBOYZ - Now don't alarm yourself. I'm not advertising or promoting anything on this site. Unless I am paid to do so. Actually... It's quite the contrary.... And it does has a lot to do with this company called 'Courts'. Don't worry... i'm not trying to get sued... since all the facts that i'm going to list down are real and true...
The reason I am writing this article is because I got really sick and tired of people telling me how wonderful this so-called Furniture Mall is... How their prices and promotions make it easier for people on the lower side of the income scale... Hmm... let's see how true that is shall we...
Look at the price of this LCD tv above. Bear in mind it's a promotional price. And even so... the price of the "Branded" 42 inch LCD TV is still not any lower than any non-promotional properly "branded" LCD TV. But that's OK... some would say that they have to keep their prices high cos usually they have to break these prices down into installments... yeah... sure... Now take out your calculator... and multiply that S$22.27 weekly over 48 months and see what you get. And for those not really good at maths... Here's the formula:-
Payment of S$22.27 weekly which would mean a monthly payment of S@22.27 X 4.
Multiply that a further 48 times.
So its... 22.27 X 4 X 48.

Now look at the number you got. And compare it with the original price of S$2699/-.
Some would say... "OK what!... Got interest mah". Well okay then. For an item that is not completely yours until 4 years later... you would assume that your warranty would last you as long... Uhuh... Nope. Most of these warranties are 1 maybe 2 years tops. And if you want to extend it... you have to pay hefty amounts to do so... And that's not all... Here's the best part... their customer service...
Here's how it goes... If you were late for even an installment payment by a week to a month ( this varies by individual ) they will call you and ask you to make the payment as soon as possible. That sounds OK still. But imagine the call going like this." Excuse me Sir/Mdm. Make your payment by tomorrow OK." So you say OK. And slam the phone is put down. No 'please'... or 'Maybe you have overlooked your payment". Imagine 3 years down the road. Your product no longer works... Your warranty is expired... And you're still paying $22.27/- weekly for nothing whatsoever... And one day you decide... To hell with all of this. I'm not paying anymore. Now here's where the fun starts. First they harrass you by calling you. Send you letters from their 'lawyers'. After which 'Debt collectors' they hired start calling you to no end. And visit your house and harrass you. And finally. They take civil action against you over maybe a measily sum of $400/- to $500/- that you have left to pay.
Most people would think... No lah. They wont sue you or take you to court for that small a sum. Plus they have to pay money to their lawyers and what not. But what you don't know is... in one of the clauses in the agreement you signed when purchasing their product, it states that all the legal costs will be incurred by the customer as well... hahaha... and that's when you know you have been screwed...

Moral of the story: Please people... stop telling me that Courts is a wonderful place to buy your stuff at... there are a bunch of testimonials that i can show you from people i know that will prove otherwise... And COURTS... if you are reading this and are not happy about it... THEN WHY DONT YOU SUE ME!!!... COME ON!!! DO IT!!! COS IF YOU DO!!! I'LL MAKE SURE THAT EVERYONE HEARS ABOUT IT AND BOYCOTT YOUR WHOLE COMPANY!!! THEN SEE WHAT YOU CAN DO YOU OPPRESSING, CONNIVING, IMMORAL EXCUSE OF A WANNABE MULTI NATIONAL COMPANY!!!...

Friday, April 25, 2008

Updates, Updates, Updates... (think of the song "Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps")

ReD_eYe - Hello everyone! It’s been awhile and I think I'm long overdue to write something here.

Firstly, we have to give I.R.BADBOYZ a lot of credit since he is the only one keeping this website alive. Thanks to him, his ability to do mind-taking and his tremendous amount of free time, he has managed to conjure up some great articles that has made this website fresh and popular among the masses. Thank you Minge! (said in Gary’s voice)

CRap is busy trying to keep his sanity in that insane school of his. Think of it this way; imagine CRap as Will Smith in I Am Legend, where Crap is the only sane man and alive in New York City. Keeping sane nowadays is very hard work, so please understand if you do not see his posts very often.

As for me, I am very busy with my day job. I know it’s not a good excuse but business has been good lately and a lot of things need to be done to keep all of my company's transactions moving smoothly. In fact due to work, I have no free time even for myself. Well I think that's how working life is like I guess. However, do not fret! I shall do my best to make way an hour or two to do an article per month!

Okay, introductions aside, here are some serious matters I have to let you guys know. We are currently on the verge of doing some great things for the website. Yay! Expect more videos made by us and also we are printing NeeD3HeaD T-shirts. These T-shirts will soon be available and is for sale for the public. As for when the T-shirts will be out is too soon to say but expect it to happen in the coming months. We will even post some article describing about our T-shirts making process so watch this space if you are interested.

Finally, we have to say thank you very much to the readers and fans (if any) that had spent or sacrificed their free time just to read our articles. Special thanks to the people that gave a little more attention to us by writing comments and also our tag board. Your positive and negative statements are the main driving force to make articles and kept us going. Not forgetting our friends and family for their love and support for us. And of course last and certainly not the least, GOD, for creating and inspire us so we can create NeeD3HeaD.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

C-String... the unedited version

I.R.BADBOYZ - Hey there... I know it's been a while since we've put up any sort of video in this blog. So i decided to give all of you a treat. It's a video i made. Well, actually... It's a video i subbed. And in a way it's related to the old topic where i was discussing about the C-String. Well whatever.. just watch it and hope you enjoy it...

Yeah i know it's kinda hard to read... It was my first time doing it... I'll try to improve the next time. If i can be bothered that is.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Will the idiocy ever end... yeah i know idiocy is not a word...

I.R.BADBOYZ :- Sorry for the long dry spell. Not that I did not have anything to blog about... I just could not have been bothered... But one incident happened these past few days that deserved an opinion from myself.. I believe by now some of you might recognize the infamous name... Andrew Teo.

Apparently Singapore is using the year 2008 to utterly embarrass themselves on a global scale... why you ask? First we prove to the world that our Air-tight security status was based on absolutely nothing... and now... Well it seems we can't seem to hold a proper 'heated' arguement in English...
What happened was, A taxi driver was called via booking and parked along the roadside in front of Mediacorp's office or something... However the taxi driver had stopped on the wrong side of the road... actually it was not even a road... more like a two way lane. And one pissed off staff namely Mr Andrew Teo came out... and came all over the taxi driver ( okay... sorry... this part was made up). Actually The Teotious man ( 'Teo' sounds like the word 'Right or Correct' in chinese.... so i thought... teotious might mean righteous...) went out and took it upon himself to make this taxi driver understand that what he was doing was wrong. And Of course all the taxi driver did is considered a minor traffic offense... but the Teotious man felt that using vulgarities on him was the right thing to do... and after capturing the whole thing on video via his mobile phone... The Teotious bastard... oh sorry... i meant to say... The Teotious man went and uploaded the video on youtube. Believing that Singaporeans would worship him like how ancient Greeks worshipped Zeus for the so-called 'Act of Heroism'... And after receiving tons of hate comments for what he did, the Teo-Man removed the video and his youtube account profile to avoid further embarrassment to himself... the video is still on youtube... under the label of "Cab Driver and Civillian Scolding *fuck* off"... how very original... even misspelled civilian...

Moral of the story: Singapore... come on... please... before posting anything on youtube... seek a second... or even third opinion from a stranger about whether what you have caught on video might or might not put our country to shame... Now we look like a country that lacks 2% in both Security Capability and To converse heatedly in English... sigh...

Saturday, April 5, 2008

New Terms of Description

Crap_-_ Hi folks...been awhile since i actually put anything up . Ok some of you folks may not believe this but singaporeans are always coming up with new phrases and words to describe situations/people/characteristics etc. I made one such phrase myself. Those of you who are familiar with me may already have guessed it. Its called " Pulling a Cheeguan".

The term 'pulling a cheeguan' was coined in honor of a very good fren of mine who loves to perform this stunt all the time. No prizes for figuring out who this friend is..and if u are this good friend of mine be happy i;m featuring u on the blog..
Anyway this saying of 'pulling a cheeguan' is actually quite a common characteristic of people. Everyone pulls a cheeguan once awhile. YES YOU ALL DO. Even i do it occasionally. However i made this term in honor of this buddy because he seems to be the most frequent user of this behaviour.
Now let me explain what it means

Pulling a Cheeguan : Defination- To make plans with someone and than not showing up, not informing and doing a disappearing act similiar to David Blaine/David Copperfield/Cris Angel, while the party who's waiting for you has already set time up to meet you.
Example : Mr X says: " Eh Bro, Tonight meet up for dinner at 8pm ok? Confirm coming lah, i will meet u, dun make other plans hor"... (at 8pm, u call and Mr X and he doesn't picks up. You worried some dogs raped his ass so u keep calling. At 9pm still uncontactable but phone rings. At 10pm if you;re lucky here's how it goes) Mr X:" eh..i at home le. Tired lah.."(if you're unlucky it might take u a week b4 he gets back to you.) Normally at this moment you will be going "$@^$#!^$#%@!#@!# "
Example of usage : "eh bro, tonite going to visit donny at the hospital, he might die
anytime..don't go pulling a cheeguan now"
"!@$@#%@, John pulled a Cheeguan on me again and left me waiting at
home hungry after i turned downed a hot date because i thought we were
bros..wasn't it Bros b4 Hoes? "

Nice terms to use in your everyday life. Go ahead and try it out. :)

Thursday, March 27, 2008

JI fugivitive has more people concerned about security

I.R.BADBOYZ: - Actually this title i wrote above is from an online news article by the good people of Channel News Asia... I would advice you to read this article first if you want to have any chance at all at understanding what I am blabbering about today...

Here's the link :-
(hopefully the link works... i did'nt bother to test it out...)

Anyways... in this article they went around taking polls from 15 year old students all around Singapore (Cos everyone else would just ignore them as they would an Apek selling tissue packets outside the MRT stations around Singapore)... The polls were with close regards to the topic of our latest criminal celebrity Mr Mas Selamat... And the article also had various inputs from our country's so-called "top-minds" and "influential" people... here's a quote from the article:-
" But others seem disheartened by the fact that a month has already gone by. Singapore is too small a place for someone to evade detection for so long, said finance analyst Nazirah Akhtar, 27. And many find it hard to believe Mas Selamat could have survived in a forested area for so long. Said IT consultant Loh Guopei, 27, "What has he been living on? Coconuts?" "...

I don't know whether you all know this but... Apparently our country is being run by 27 year olds... especially those in the Finance and IT sector no doubt... I mean Really!!? What... why... who are these people...? First and foremost we have Miss Nazirah Akhtar, a financial analyst, who believes that after watching the first two seasons of prison break, she is an expert of the matter... And then we have Mr Loh Guopei, our IT guy who I can safely bet is a packing a bit more weight around his weight than most... Cos he believes that a person cannot survive a day if they do not eat at Burger King for breakfast, dinner and lunch...

I'm not even going to bother to write a 'moral of the story' for this post... Cos seriously... to Miss Nazirah Akhtar and Mr Loh Guopei... Here's some constructive criticism for you guys... Fuck you...

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Horoscope time people. Gather around...

I.R.BADBOYZ : I wanted to try it once... to write out my own specialized set of horoscope readings... Actually what i did was to take a chunk from usual horoscope meanings and added a bit of truth to them... And don't be frightened at how accurate they are... It's a gift really...

You are extremely creative and make your way to the top fast. Which means you are a lying bastard. And everybody knows it because of all the bullshit that comes out of your mouth are hardly believable. Because of this, people think you are stupid and sort of a jerk. You should probably stick your shit back up your ass.

You are very straightforward and have never-say-die attitude. But it is due to the fact that you never get anything done right the first time and have had a lot of practice to develop that attitude of yours. As such, you grow up to become extremely stubborn and thick-skinned. You know that hole that all humans have where shit comes out from... that is you. That you definitely are.

You are perceived as a Leader, a born leader. Or at least that's what you think. Cos people know that you're a retard. Because most Leo's turn out to be bullies who are indeed very vain and don't take too kindly to criticism. Your arrogance is unrivaled and all of you are thieving dip shits. And lastly, Leo's tend to enjoy masturbation over sex and are gay for doing so.

You are extremely upbeat and think very positively. And since most of you do not have any real talent, you tend to get by in life by relying on pure ass dumb luck. You are indeed a worthless piece of crap. Sorry.

You have a vivid imagination and often tend to dabble in the realm of the unknown. Which means that you are actually kind of a crazy person. You tend to have very minor influences among friends. So you're basically harmless. You lack true confidence and have bad body odour.

Its not surprising that most twins born are Geminis. And if you are not a twin, then there are two possibilities. Either your other twin died at birth or... you were adopted. So... if you're adopted then i am afraid you have to find out your real birthday then and read my horoscopes again.

You are the very perfectionist and law abiding type. You have no soul for you do not really have the capability to care for another person. You probably think sex is a chore and often fall asleep while doing it. You would make a great pimp. Or a ruler in some third world country.

Scorpio's are the worst. You are the sort that would step and stab your way to the top. You lack any sort of ethics whatsoever. Due to this you are technically perfect as you would most probably become rich. However you will die young because Scorpio's are usually murdered.

You are the idea man. Which means that you are the inventor type cos you think up new stuff all the time. And you think everybody else is a dumb ass. You love to ridicule and talk down to people and piss everyone off. Basically, you are a prick.

People know Cancers for being sympathetic and understanding to other's problems. And you are often seen as a nosey piece of shit as well. Which you are by the way. You love to procrastinate which means that you live on welfare and are'nt worth more than that piece of shit stuck to your shoe. Everybody in prison is a Cancer. For those who are not in prison, you'll die of cancer most likely. How Ironic.

You are the artsy-fartsy kind and are often not appreciated in your time. Most Libra males are gay and Women sluts. And all of you have at least one kind of a sexually transmitted disease. And the only way for you to be remembered in history is to be the first person ever to die from herpes.

You keep to yourself a lot and you're basically afraid of taking any sort of risks.Capricorns have never yet made any real difference to the world. Mostly because they are all donkey-raping-shit-eating cowards.You probably should kill yourself.

Hope you enjoyed that bitter sweet taste i like to call 'THE TRUTH'... and oh yes... i hate you all...

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Things that confuse me...

I.R.BADBOYZ :- Men and Women of the world... Behold... the almighty C-String... and please be a bit mature while reading this post you perverted bastards... or should i say skebe... ('Skebe' is japanese for Pervert) I prefer saying skebe cos it rolls nicely off the tongue... skebe... (Pronounced 'SSS-KAY-BAY') Fun to say that word isn't it... anyways...

Like i was saying... this C-STRING is actually a new type of undergarment... or underwear.. hmm... are they the same thing?..
It's suppose to replace the conventional underwears that your moms wear and I take off... you know... stuff like thongs and G-Strings and what not... I must say that the guy that designed this is the biggest 'skebe' there is...

But what is weird about this little invention is... I myself do not know what to make of it... The first time i saw it i was like " Did she decorate her pubes or something... what the hell is that shit!!!"... It's just confusing... Should I be turned on that there is more flesh?... It just don't feel right... But then again... Maybe it's like hearing some of those new Justin Timberlake or Timbaland songs... You gotta let it simmer in the brain a while and then you'll start to get it...

*polka dot... eeeee.... teeheheee...

I call that the Brazillian Sponge

-i guess they could not afford to photoshop that out huh...

Moral of the Story: You will know it is the end of the world when they start making bikin versions of these stuff... C'mon guys... there should be a line drawn somewhere.. for me it's the G-String... for public view that is... I mean really... what's next... Some Fabric that wraps up our Dick and Balls in fancy little Turban shapes... WTF...

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Useless things in the world - Part Four

ReD_eYe - Okay seriously, when will they stop making useless things? Well you guys have to wait a little longer because there is another useless thing in our world today. This 'thing' has place canned food (a useful item) and fast food (a food chain restaurant) into a whole another level.

A company manages to fuse a cheese burger in a can. Thus making it into a CANGER. Yeah I noticed too. It sounds awfully close to CANCER isn’t it? Well I am not surprise if you get CANCER by eating one of this CANGER. Can food has been around for quite some time now and to me it’s a godsend. Especially the can food tuna made by AYAM BRAND. In case of emergency (meaning no food to eat and you don't want to bother yourself to call for McDonalds/KFC or go to your nearest Hawker Centre) you just have to open the can up and VIOLA! tuna in a can and it is so good that you can even eat it on its own. *smiles*

It’s okay for tuna really. This is due to the fact that tuna is being cooked and prepared PROPERLY. As for this "CANGER" don't expect it to look like a burger like the above inserted picture. It’s going to look like minced meat with pieces of bread in it. In my opinion, that is not even a burger. The Company should not call it a burger in a can nor a CANGER. They just have to call it minced meat and bread with a side of lettuce.

Honestly I have not tried one. But will I try it? The answer is NO. The reason is simple: if they can't get the name right for the food they prepare, there is a high chance the taste won't be right either.

So if you want to have useless meals in the forest don’t pack AYAM BRAND TUNA but instead pack a CANGER. You Have Been Warned.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I.R.BADBOYZ- I know i do not talk about girly stuff like shopping very often... the only reason i go to the mall is to either eat at McDonald's or to buy stuff i need... and in yesterday's instance... i needed to buy me some toiletries... and of course... i had ReD_eYe to tag along as well... we also had a mission... to not only buy my stuff but to buy a padlock for one of our friends who is finally entering into National Service... anyways... getting back to the point... we happened to come across some rather interesting items that we thought we should show you and here are two excellent examples...

ITEM NUMERO UNO: Will be a Pink Coloured 'intimately BECKHAM' deodorant spray for women... sigh... let me put it this way... you don't see beyonce knowles or britney spears having a perfume or deodorant line for men... that's all i got to say about this... on the the next product...

ITEM NUMERO DOS: Is it DOS? What language is the word 'numero' from anyway? Hmm... Anyways... This little picture was taken at the back of the packaging for a combination lock that i had bought... But if you would read the back carefully... And for you Singaporeans reading this blog... Read it as if you were an Ah Beng... and you will understand why this item is by far one of the most hilarious one that i have come across... Unlock way and Lock way... classic...

Moral of the story: There is no moral here... maybe there is... hmm.. how about this... If you cannot do something properly... then save the embarrassment by not doing it...

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

They call him Selamat... Mat Selamat... Now we know why...

I.R.BADBOYZ - Oh Yes.... We have finally done it... Oh yes... The picture on the left as you know is our Singapore's very own Mr. Mas Selamat Bin Kastari... And all I have to say is... Congratulations Mr Kastari on raising one hell of a kid... It's impressive on any note that this man has escaped from prison a total of 3 times... Don't believe me?... Google it...

Singapore... Oh My Dear Singapore... Why oh why are we able to keep pickpockets and petty criminals inside our low security facilities so well and yet Mr. Selamat found it so easy to escape from a High Security Detention Facility... But I don't blame Singapore... This Selamat is one slippery fella... Mat Selamat...

That name itself is ironic... For many of you who may not know... 'Selamat' in malay means 'safe'... and the word 'Selamat' is also used as a manner of saying good bye to someone... And for that reason, most would find this whole situation absolutely hilarious... For all we know... Our Government let him escape... Because i believe i might have heard over the news announcement them saying this," Mr Selamat has escaped from our detention facility.... pun intended"... Or maybe i might have heard wrongly... who knows...

Moral of the story: I have already stopped watching that TV show Prison Break after Season 2... cos it kinda got crappy and stupid... Maybe if Prison Break were to have lets say a spin off... called ' Prison Break : Chronicles of Selamat'... it would be awesome... i'd watch that shit... the man... unlike the actor from Prison Break, actually escaped from what many call one of the most highest security prison in the world... even westerners describe out country as one where security breaches are virtually unheard of...

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Not Another Ghost Photo!!!

pic on left: Our artist's own impressions of what the orb look like..
pic below: Actual Pic of ORBS...wooooo

Crap_-_ Ok folks, i'm sorry that i have to write about something related to the supernatural. Once again, i'll like to state that my views are mine alone. If you do not like them..WHY ARE YOU STILL READING THIS POST?? No one forced you to read my rantings..if you like to read em so much and den put dumb comments on the tagged board..You must really love me.

Anyway, there's this society in our little island that goes around investigating supernatural happenings. Yes, we have a bunch of our very own ghostbusters. No they are not your usual Bomohs/tangkis/Yogis/wateveryouwannacall em. These are folks with very modern and hi tech gear. Ok..maybe not ghostbusters, more of ghostly investigators. I'm sure some of you people have actually heard of them. Quite a famous bunch actually, been featured on the papers, tv and all sorts of media..they even have a website!!! Why am i crapping about them? Do i really idolize them? well..NOOOOOOOO.

Been reading the crap on their site lately as i really have nothing better to do online. Why am i gonna diss them? well..for have gotta check out their apparent "evidence" of ghosts caught on camera.The pic at the top of the post is their evidence. Apparently those round dots are GHOSTS!! SCARY EH?!?

I cannot believe it when people actually show publish pictures like that and tell them those are spirits. Just FYI..these "things" are labeled ORBS.. Honestly putting up photos like that is dumb enough..and they just had to take it one step further by saying..look closely, some of these ORBS have faces in em..omg..YEAH rite...just like how the moon smiles and waves at me every night too. Hello!?!? Are you people so desperate to show us your evidence that you'll actually put that up as evidence? I used to think that guy from is a deuche..but you folks have just won a nomination for biggest deuches in the universe. Congrats. Please stop posting such nonsensical pictures. Its a joke if the people from the AREA 51 investigation team find out that we, a small island nation which has accomplished so much is still so lame in terms of our so called supernatural societies..and i pity the folks who actually spend money to follow you on your so called "investigation" trails.. You charge the gullible money to bring them on a wild goose bunch of Silly Paranormal Idiots...

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Ah Meng

I.R.BADBOYZ - As most of us Singaporeans know, or maybe this is the first time you have heard about this little piece of news even though it was all over the front pages of various news papers all around Singapore. Our Singapore Zoo's beloved icon, Ah Meng the Orang Utan has passed on... And why, nobody knows... The investigation is still on going.... Actually I don't really know or care how, when or why it happened and made the previous statement up as I did not bother to look into the matter. And i predict that this article might generate a few 'hate' comments... but i think i'll live...
I honestly can say that it is indeed sad that the animal above died, as upset as I am when I see a dead rat or cat on the street.... It's still an animal Singapore!!!... C'mon... People are dying all over the world and you put a huge picture of Ah Meng on the news paper for a couple of days... what is wrong with you people... Is Singapore really that boring... I don't even want to continue on typing cos it's not even worth the effort anymore...

Moral of the Story: If our Singapore reporters were to focus their articles on the plight of some unfortunate Singaporeans who struggle to survive day by day on every newspaper main page every day. Then maybe... Just maybe... People will help these people... And not because they want to... But because they don't want any more articles on poor people on their news... cos it's just too depressing... And yes i know... I am a genius... Who knew...

Friday, February 15, 2008

We are becoming celebs!!!!

The following are my thoughts and mine alone. No one forced you to read em, and any references to people living or dead is purely conincidental. If you do not like anything that's being said..go away..shoo.. We don;t like u either.. Go to and read the stuff there..

CRap_-_ ok..been awhile since i put anything up on the site. Nothing much going on.. however i noticed we've been getting some negative comments on the tag board..well..guess wat, with fame comes notoriety..WOOHOO..
Honestly, i'll take all your stupid criticism..however, when i see people like MIMO...whoever u r..wat does it stand for anyway..My Intellect Missing Olreadi?? Yes..if you can't type a proper sentence or your grammar is not attempt to comment on our TAG board. I mean wat the hell do you mean when u say "stupid boys they are life". The correct way you should phrase it should be.." Stupid boys they HAVE no life"..even then..its somehow still sounds weird.
I'm fine with spelling errors..probably have tons of em in this post..but i can never accept negative comments in broken english. If you can't write ..please don't. Call MOE up and request that they let u retake your English Paper at PSLE level. Or did u drop out of kindergarden even before u went to primary school becos the class hamster scored better than you in all subjects including playtime?? Really..i have nothing against people who leave criticism..but please...constructive or really good ones only..I welcome it. The rest of you who can't write a proper sentence with meaning please go back to playschool.

Finally..just a personal message from me to u at ur level MIMO..(believe me..i tried my best to make it readable for you)
So you very angry n think think we veli stupid becos u know write in our tagged board??Den u so clever boy like u lots lots but we is lame boys. You win i scared you win lor. Me is no life no you smart clever not lame boy..sucky donkey moomoo boo boo woohoo..
(If you can understand wat the above meant..congrats u can read 'mimo' i cos i dun know wat the F@$# i was writing about )

Recent Events....

I.R.BADBOYZ - Ahh... Geylang Sipaku Geylang (Is it even Sipaku?)... Don't you just love that song... So innocent to the kids... so obscene to everybody else...

Quite recently there have been some discussions going about almost everywhere in Singapore with regards to a little place they call Geylang, which to me is like a little slice of heaven on earth... It's a magical place... where boys become men and men becoming boys again... It's Singapore's very own Red Light District... Ladies and Gentlemen... I present to you...Geylang...

And of course... just like everything else in Singapore that was once good and holy... like being able to smoke and litter and chew gum wherever the hell we like... These people with no lives whatsoever are now in the midst of discussion with regards to the actions that should be taken against this lovely little place called Geylang... I would personally like to kill these people but it is just not possible as these people have no lives... And how do you kill something that has no life?...

So let me just explain to you Singapore as to why we actually need a place like Geylang... For not a man in Singapore has never entered this sacred land... For without this divine land... This oh so magical wonderland of pure joy... Without it men would not be able to release their inner most sexual tensions which builds up inside of them... And if they were unable to release their sexual tensions altogether... Then you better make sure that you hire bodyguards for your children who are walking home late at night... For they are no longer safe from the sexual predators at night... Imagine the movie "I am Legend"... you get my drift... I don't know about you... But I worry for my future kids...

Moral of the Story: I notice that there have been a lot of hate messages on the tag boards recently... And unfortunately I have to admit I am partially at fault for it... So i would like to make it clear to these 'Haters' once and for all...

Dear Haters,
I Know that at some point in my life. I had sex with your mothers in a manner that is anything but discreet. Which obviously led to your fathers finding out and divorcing your mother and also disowning you causing you years and years of misery as a child who was raised without a father. I am indeed sorry for that. Can't we all just get along...

Thursday, February 14, 2008

I'm sorry... Actually I don't really care...

I.R.BADBOYZ - Well... Hi... Sorry for the delay... Was busy saving the world... I was hospitalised... Kind of... And try not to hurt your head wondering what i'm talking about... it's an inside joke...

Anyways... It seems in the time that I have been gone... the two other douche bags namely ReD_eYe and Crap did not seem to contribute much... but then again... they are douche bags... but i love them all the same... And since my head is still kind of in a twirl and what not... i'll leave something here for your entertainment...

Basically these are excerpts from a real book called "Disorder in the American Courts" and
about things people actually said in court, word for word, taken down and published by court reporters... so enjoy...

ATTORNEY: Are you sexually active?
WITNESS: No, I just lie there.

ATTORNEY: What gear were you in at the moment of the impact?
WITNESS: Gucci sweats and Reeboks.

ATTORNEY: This myasthenia gravis, does it affect your memory at all?
ATTORNEY: And in what ways does it affect your memory?
WITNESS: I forget.
ATTORNEY: You forget? Can you give us an example of something you forgot?

ATTORNEY: What was the first thing your husband said to you that morning?
WITNESS: He said, "Where am I, Cathy?"
ATTORNEY: And why did that upset you?
WITNESS: My name is Susan!

ATTORNEY: Do you know if your daughter has ever been involved in voodoo?
WITNESS: We both do .
WITNESS: Yes, voodoo.

ATTORNEY: Now doctor, isn't it true that when a person dies in his sleep, he doesn't know about it until the next morning?
DOCTOR: Did you actually pass the bar exam?

ATTORNEY: The youngest son, the twenty-one-year-old, how old is he?
WITNESS: Uh, he's twenty-one.

ATTORNEY: Were you present when your picture was taken?
WITNESS: Are you shittin' me?

ATTORNEY: So the date of conception (of the baby) was August 8th?
ATTORNEY: And what were you doing at that time?
WITNESS: Uh.... I was getting laid!

ATTORNEY: She had three children, right?
ATTORNEY: How many were boys?
ATTORNEY: Were there any girls?
WITNESS: Are you shittin' me? Your Honor, I think I need a different attorney. Can I get a new attorney?

ATTORNEY: How was your first marriage terminated?
WITNESS: By death.
ATTORNEY: And by whose death was it terminated?
WITNESS: Now whose death do you suppose terminated it?

ATTORNEY: Can you describe the individual?!
WITNESS: He was about medium height and had a beard.
ATTORNEY: Was this a male or a female?

ATTORNEY: Is your appearance here this morning pursuant to a deposition notice which I sent to your attorney?
WITNESS: No, this is how I dress when I go to work.

ATTORNEY: Doctor, how many of your autopsies have you performed on dead people?
DOCTOR: All my autopsies are performed on dead people. Would you like to rephrase that?

ATTORNEY: ALL your responses MUST be oral, OK? What school did you go to?

ATTORNEY: Do you recall the time that you examined the body?
DOCTOR: The autopsy started around 8:30 p.m.
ATTORNEY: And Mr. Denton was dead at the time?
DOCTOR: No, he was sitting on the table wondering why I was doing an autopsy on him!

ATTORNEY: Doctor, before you performed the autopsy, did you check for a pulse?
ATTORNEY: Did you check for blood pressure?
ATTORNEY: Did you check for breathing?
ATTORNEY: So, then it is possible that the patient was alive when you began the autopsy?
ATTORNEY: How can you be so sure, Doctor?
DOCTOR: Because his brain was sitting on my desk in a jar!
ATTORNEY: I see, but could t he patient have still been alive, nevertheless?
DOCTOR: Yes, it is possible that he could have been alive and pracitising law.

Yeah I know it's lame... cos you probably read it somewhere... but thought i'd share it nonetheless... since it's Christmas... i think... i don't know... how long was I in the hospital?...
Watch out soon for some threads that are definitely more interesting than this... now that i'm back...

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Calling Of Duties For; More Than Ware Fair...

ReD_eYe - Ok let’s be honest here. The reason I did not post any new articles is because of two things: My day job and my night job. Well I am a trader by day but a "killer" by night. Before you go off and warn the authorities about my killing ways, let me elaborate on what I meant by "killer". Well my night job is very hectic. It requires dexterity, patience, skill and determination. The term "killer" here is killing people in the online world. It’s safe, legal and it has huge amount of satisfaction involved. It’s the best thing in the world to do absolute chaos and destruction. You won't be blamed of having Weapons of Mass Destruction and then a certain superpower will not invade your home claiming you have such weapons (which you don't) and take your crude oil (in this case cooking oil) as their own. It’s completely safe and legit.

How do you kill someone online? Well there are these things called computer/console games. They are the best things ever happen to me since Television. These "games" will allow you to kill people in the online world and BE commended. The "games" in question are Battlefield 2 (BF2) and Call of Duty 4 (COD4). They are First Person Shooters (FPS)* and my personal multiplayer game favorites. Both of these games are great and they really reward you by killing more people (the enemy).

For BF2, you can rise up through the ranks. You start as a private soldier and if you are dedicated enough you can rise up till a 4 star general which is kind of surreal if you ask me. Which country has her generals fighting at the front lines? Anyways I digress. Apart of rising up the ranks you can be awarded badges and ribbons. BF2 is really a squad base game and you have to have teamwork to dominate your enemy. (My Current Rank: Gunnery Sergeant. Game Nick: aron_het)

For COD4, it’s a different story: It’s more of an individual thing. You will rely on your survival and fighting skills. You have to customize your soldier and bring death to your enemies. I guess you still can have teamwork in the game such as providing suppressing fire or create a diversion so that your other team members can flank the enemy. As for ranks go, it’s much easier to achieve a 4 star general than BF2. (My Current Rank: 1st Lieutenant. Game Nick: ReDeYe)

Well it goes to show killing is indeed a fun thing to do. No doubt about it. No wonder there are a lot of killings going on in our world today. After playing these games, you will understand why killers keep on killing. But remember the way they do their killing is WRONG. You can be a serial killer but keep it in the online world of gaming. So guys why don't you pick up a copy of BF2 or COD4 today and start killing!

FYI: If you play BF2 or COD4 and want to kill me or kill alongside me, add me via XFIRE** with the username: redeye1984 or aron_het

*(FPS) is a genre in the gaming world. It’s like Pop to Music.
**XFIRE is an online and popular VIOP for online gaming. It’s like Friendster to Internet

Friday, February 1, 2008

Some Updates...

ReD_eYe - Well it has been awhile for anyone of the need3head crew post something. A lot has happen but to summarize, I have been busy with my day job. CRap is busy superpoking people and experiencing a new world called Facebook. As for I.R.BADBOYZ he got admitted into a hospital. But do not fret! We will be back soon. And one more thing have a HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!*

*subject to change

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Crappy thoughts again

CRap _-_ Ok folks, the need3head crew visited Old Changi hospital the night before, we took many interesting videos and photos..however REDEYE..being a dipshit messed up our greATEST moment when IR actually keponged(is that a word??) some folks..I'll leave that crap for the guys to put up when they upload the pics.

Anyway, got home and found a True singapore ghost stories vol 16 book . Decided to read it to continue the ghostly feelings. However, i am sad to say that there is no hope for locally written books anymore. What with stupid lame ass stories about a ghost dressed up in basketball jersey outfit bouncing some kid's dads head on top of their cars, the author's lame dipshit views of alien abduction and an 'actual' story about some lady whose husband got abducted by aliens while they were at pulau
I've got an idea anyway. Apparently they are offering $2000 as a prize if you write in and your story gets published. I AM GONNA write in with some dumb ass story about a red tie i bought recently( was for my friend's wedding) and i've been dreaming about being a hitman..inspired by the movie HITMAN. Won't be surprised if i actually read it out for it and be prepared to get scared.BOOOOOO~
If it gets published..pls do not bother with supporting locally written stories again. I am however still supportive of you guys who wanna write in and try for that $2000 prize..So remember to come up with your supposed "true" and "original" ghost stories...something like how a weird chick climbs out from your tv screen or your camera being able to take pics of ghosts and trap em inside.

P.S. i keep getting that that famous author who wrote the books is related to someone i know..someone who's brother shot down an MRT about true singapore cock stories!!!
i meant ghosts...onward with the LEGENDS!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Crappy thoughts

CRap_-_ Ok folks..been awhile since i actually wrote anything here. Well its been kinda slow recently without any stupid things to talk about. I would say the most interesting thing that happened was last night when i think i heard cats mating below my block..but hey, not gonna stoop to that level of crapping about 2 pussy cats making out. Gonna do worse..i;m gonna do a book review..
Have been reading some ghost stories lately by this singapore writer..NO it's not russell lee. Its this dude that has his book titles thats always 'something' Nightmares .example...pussycatsmating nightmares . publisher is VJ times..i'm guessing u folks who actually read local ghost story books would have some idea by now. Well, i have 1 word for this series of stories...SUCKDONKEYBALLS(it's actually 3 words but if u do not leave spaces in between they become 1 word). Its horrible..full of terrible grammar, spelling, ugly fonts and stories so frightening they scare my pet rock into not moving at all.'s terrible. I bet i had classmates in primary school who could write better. For those of you who don't believe wat i say..go read some of those books. If i could i would lift an entire passage from one of those short stories in it and post it here for u guys to read but that would be an infringement of copyright laws.
However, to every bad shit that comes about there's always a silver lining to it..and in this case, i have discovered that the stories in the book make u crap faster. No it's not becos it's so scary u shit ur;s becos u wanna hurry the shit up and get out of the toilet so u dun have to finish the book. Yes it's true. Its great material to leave in your toilet especially if u have someone living in your house that takes forever to get his crap done in the morning when u're rushing to use it.
Yes, thats a lame ass post. Yes the post has no useful information at all..but as i said, it's been kinda slow and 2 sparrows landed outside my front door, gonna call CNA and tell them to come down and report on that too.