I.R.BADBOYZ - Oh Yes.... We have finally done it... Oh yes... The picture on the left as you know is our Singapore's very own Mr. Mas Selamat Bin Kastari... And all I have to say is... Congratulations Mr Kastari on raising one hell of a kid... It's impressive on any note that this man has escaped from prison a total of 3 times... Don't believe me?... Google it...
Singapore... Oh My Dear Singapore... Why oh why are we able to keep pickpockets and petty criminals inside our low security facilities so well and yet Mr. Selamat found it so easy to escape from a High Security Detention Facility... But I don't blame Singapore... This Selamat is one slippery fella... Mat Selamat...
That name itself is ironic... For many of you who may not know... 'Selamat' in malay means 'safe'... and the word 'Selamat' is also used as a manner of saying good bye to someone... And for that reason, most would find this whole situation absolutely hilarious... For all we know... Our Government let him escape... Because i believe i might have heard over the news announcement them saying this," Mr Selamat has escaped from our detention facility.... pun intended"... Or maybe i might have heard wrongly... who knows...
Moral of the story: I have already stopped watching that TV show Prison Break after Season 2... cos it kinda got crappy and stupid... Maybe if Prison Break were to have lets say a spin off... called ' Prison Break : Chronicles of Selamat'... it would be awesome... i'd watch that shit... the man... unlike the actor from Prison Break, actually escaped from what many call one of the most highest security prison in the world... even westerners describe out country as one where security breaches are virtually unheard of...
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