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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Musical In Me...

Singapore is a great place to live in. Its clean, green and peaceful. Apart from having a high cost of living, I repeat again, Singapore is a great place to live in. Now let see if Singapore is a FUN place to live in? Well for starters we have our "night life" scene, which is in turn, pretty darn boring.

The clubs found in Singapore these days are not what they used too be. Most of them are littered with degenerates and people want to get wasted. The last time I check getting wasted isn't fun at all.

What is fun? Well according to 'Fun' is define as follows:

1. something that provides mirth or amusement: A picnic would be fun.
2. enjoyment or playfulness: She's full of fun.

–verb (used without object), verb (used with object)
3. Informal. joke; kid.

4. Informal. of or pertaining to fun, esp. to social fun: a fun thing to do; really a fun person.
5. Informal. whimsical: flamboyant: The fashions this year are definitely on the fun side.

6. for or in fun, as a joke; not seriously; playfully: His insults were only in fun.
7. like fun, Informal. certainly not; of doubtful truth: He told us that he finished the exam in an hour. Like fun he did!
8. make fun of, to make the object of ridicule; deride: The youngsters made fun of their teacher.

OK, I think I am going too technical here. Let me Keep It Short and Sweet, fun is basically to occupy your boring life with an activity of happiness and enjoyment. Getting wasted isn't an activity of happiness nor enjoyment its more like one step closer to alcohol poisoning.

Anyways my argument here dear readers, is that Singapore is in need of fun places and fun activities. Or am I wrong?

Well the Integrated Resort may or may not be a fun place to hangout and have fun activities. But we have wait and see how that turns out.

At mean time why not go too the movies to have fun? I can agree watching movies can indeed be fun (unless you are watching "The Day Earth Stood Still" or "Contact") but its too common nowadays.

Well there is an alternative. It may cost a bit more but the enjoyment level can surpass what you can get from the movies. Its Musicals. Yes I said it. I am not turning into a Faggalar or anything like that but Musicals and Comedy shows are places you can get utmost enjoyment in our tiny little island of ours. That what's the Esplanade is for. Here is a video from a musical called "Avenue Q" recently played in the Esplanade, check it out.

So what do think? With shows like that in the Esplanade wouldn't be fun to go to a Musical? And at the same time, you can even impress your significant other with your new taste of entertainment.

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