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Sunday, April 27, 2008

Things that piss me off... Volume... umm...

I.R.BADBOYZ - Now don't alarm yourself. I'm not advertising or promoting anything on this site. Unless I am paid to do so. Actually... It's quite the contrary.... And it does has a lot to do with this company called 'Courts'. Don't worry... i'm not trying to get sued... since all the facts that i'm going to list down are real and true...
The reason I am writing this article is because I got really sick and tired of people telling me how wonderful this so-called Furniture Mall is... How their prices and promotions make it easier for people on the lower side of the income scale... Hmm... let's see how true that is shall we...
Look at the price of this LCD tv above. Bear in mind it's a promotional price. And even so... the price of the "Branded" 42 inch LCD TV is still not any lower than any non-promotional properly "branded" LCD TV. But that's OK... some would say that they have to keep their prices high cos usually they have to break these prices down into installments... yeah... sure... Now take out your calculator... and multiply that S$22.27 weekly over 48 months and see what you get. And for those not really good at maths... Here's the formula:-
Payment of S$22.27 weekly which would mean a monthly payment of S@22.27 X 4.
Multiply that a further 48 times.
So its... 22.27 X 4 X 48.

Now look at the number you got. And compare it with the original price of S$2699/-.
Some would say... "OK what!... Got interest mah". Well okay then. For an item that is not completely yours until 4 years later... you would assume that your warranty would last you as long... Uhuh... Nope. Most of these warranties are 1 maybe 2 years tops. And if you want to extend it... you have to pay hefty amounts to do so... And that's not all... Here's the best part... their customer service...
Here's how it goes... If you were late for even an installment payment by a week to a month ( this varies by individual ) they will call you and ask you to make the payment as soon as possible. That sounds OK still. But imagine the call going like this." Excuse me Sir/Mdm. Make your payment by tomorrow OK." So you say OK. And slam the phone is put down. No 'please'... or 'Maybe you have overlooked your payment". Imagine 3 years down the road. Your product no longer works... Your warranty is expired... And you're still paying $22.27/- weekly for nothing whatsoever... And one day you decide... To hell with all of this. I'm not paying anymore. Now here's where the fun starts. First they harrass you by calling you. Send you letters from their 'lawyers'. After which 'Debt collectors' they hired start calling you to no end. And visit your house and harrass you. And finally. They take civil action against you over maybe a measily sum of $400/- to $500/- that you have left to pay.
Most people would think... No lah. They wont sue you or take you to court for that small a sum. Plus they have to pay money to their lawyers and what not. But what you don't know is... in one of the clauses in the agreement you signed when purchasing their product, it states that all the legal costs will be incurred by the customer as well... hahaha... and that's when you know you have been screwed...

Moral of the story: Please people... stop telling me that Courts is a wonderful place to buy your stuff at... there are a bunch of testimonials that i can show you from people i know that will prove otherwise... And COURTS... if you are reading this and are not happy about it... THEN WHY DONT YOU SUE ME!!!... COME ON!!! DO IT!!! COS IF YOU DO!!! I'LL MAKE SURE THAT EVERYONE HEARS ABOUT IT AND BOYCOTT YOUR WHOLE COMPANY!!! THEN SEE WHAT YOU CAN DO YOU OPPRESSING, CONNIVING, IMMORAL EXCUSE OF A WANNABE MULTI NATIONAL COMPANY!!!...

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