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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Problems of the male Genitalia

I.R.BADBOY - Now guys... look closely at these two pictures... now take some time to absorb them and tell me if you see any difference between the two... Because the unfortunate thing is that... most guys will tell you that the picture on the left has Spongebob in it whereas the picture on the right does not...
I know by now... especially for the ladies out there... all of you are wondering why, who or what the hell is this guy blabbering about now?... well let me enlighten you then... I do not know about the rest of the world... but here in Singapore... we are known as the garden city state world wide ( or so we claim )... but the same thing cant be said about the state of our toilets... especially the male ones...
Now i am not saying that all toilets are dirty... i'm referring to the toilets that do not have cleaning people running in and out every few minutes cleaning up somebody else's mess... it seems that most men in Singapore... see the toilet bowl just the same as wild animals see a tree... Because for some strange reason... the urinals that are placed conveniently outside the cubicles are not a feasible place to pee... and i can still respect that for some men are shy about showing their ding-dong to the world... but yet strangely whenever i enter almost any cubicle... you seem to find pee on almost everywhere else except inside the toilet bowl... why is that you might ask?... well the best explanation i can come up with is that some men still retain that primal instinct to mark their territory by peeing all over a said inanimate object just as a wild animal might do to a tree... and that is what the picture above there is all about...

Moral of the Story: If you have a problem peeing straight... then stick to the urinals or pee in a toilet bowl sitting down... Because the next time i see a bugger marking his territory on a toilet bowl like an animal... i'll have you bloody neutered... you damn pricks...

1 comment:

NEED3HEAD said...

Wow! Toilet humor... and so we thought.