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Tuesday, December 18, 2007


I.R.BADBOY - I just had an epiphany today... So I just wanted to share it with all of you... before i forget it that is... So here goes me...
It seems that in this world, there are two types of people... those who have really been in love... and those who have never been in love( no matter how much they claim to )... and for hundreds of years, people have pondered how to tell one group from the other... so all you have to do is to read this saying out loud, ( or idiom... or proverb... or whatever in god's name they call it nowadays ) " It's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all ". For those people who have really been in love, they will tell you that this saying is bull crap and hope that someday you will get ass cancer and die... whereas wannabe lovers still actually believe the saying is true somewhat... and so....
Moral of the story: My Epiphanies are Awesome...

P.S. For those R-tards who do not know what an 'Epiphany' is... it means to realize something new about something else...

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