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Tuesday, December 25, 2007

what pisses me of... chapter 2... vol I

I.R.BADBOYZ - I believe everyone in Sunny Singapore is familiar with this thing called the ' TV License' ... and yet surprisingly everybody seems to be okay with it... okay with the fact that every year you have to fork out 110 bucks... but does anyone really know what it is for? where does the money go to? who actually came up with this stupid idea? Can Gurmit Singh act for shit?...
Singapore!!! Are you all familiar with the concept or the reason behind a license?... A license is there because there is a need for it to be there... for example... Why do we need a driving license? ... because it is to ensure every other driver that you know how to drive and are less of a hazard on the road as opposed to someone who does not have a license... Why do we need a liquor license?... To ensure that people who sell liquor are aware that they can only sell to to people of the right age... So why do we need a TV license?... I'm pretty sure everyone knows how to watch a TV... can't be that hard... plus all you need to get this license it to pay a sum of money... so why can't i do the same with my driver's license?... why do i have to go through all the trouble of learning how to drive?...
Some say the money is for the TV company... but they earn a lot of revenue through advertisements believe me... others say it's to pay for the maintenance of our HDB TV antenna... but should'nt that fall under HDB as well with the upkeep money given by every household... anyways almost no one uses the aerial antenna anymore now that the cable box is there and it's free to use as well... Am i the only one pissed off about this?... And why is Gurmit Singh still on the air?... why?
All i'm saying is... since what's done is done... as long as the amount stays at 110, i shall not say any more about the matter... but if it were to go up anymore i am gonna write a petition and have people sign it... and don't let me find out which idiot actually came up with the bright idea of implementing this too... for if i do.. i'll put a turd in a paper bag and light it up in front of his house... And for goodness sake will someone please take Gurmit Singh off the air... i admit he was funny when he was in Phua Chu Kang donkey years ago... but you're destroying shows with potential like 'The Noose' by casting him inside of it... that casting director must really suck... i pity the writers for the show... Cos please mr Gurmit... you are still a good Emcee... you know how to rile up a live crowd... but if you still think you're that great a comedian ( especially after crap shit shows like 'Tonight With Gurmit' or whatever his talkshow was called ), i suggest you go to hell, and the burn, and then die or something...

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