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Saturday, December 29, 2007

what pisses me off... chapter 3... vol I

I.R.BADBOYZ - Hmm... what could be pissing off my pissing ass prick today?... hmmm.... I get a gut feeling that you'll all find out in a lil' bit...
Parents... not yours or mine... but these group of 'Parents' that believe that by having sex and giving birth to a child... it gives them the title of being 'Parents'... be it whether thier child's a bastard or not... i hate them... i detest them... and that's what makes me strong...
These so called 'Parents'... actually let's not call these people ' Parents ' ... let's call them ... ummm... 'Dipshits'... dipshits are basically what you might call the new age 'Parents'... Dipshits are people who unleash their hellspawns onto the world and as a result makes the world a much more smellier shithole to live in... and as usual... you guys have no idea right about now where i'm getting at... just be patient and read on...
Shit wads... wait... oh yeah... i meant to say... Dipshits are those who complain against shows like Tellytubbies, South Park and stuff like smoking and what not... Generally they are people who complain about anything that is anything... Dipshits have a very weird concept with regards to how they raise their kids... They don't scold, or reprimand, or hit or act in any sort of way to remind or instill in their children discipline of any kind when their children has done something wrong...
Say what now?.... sigh... let me give you an example... Say the child of Dipshits... sorry ... let me rephrase that... Say a Hellspawn of Dipshits was to run across the road and get hit by a car ( dont worry... they're hellspawns so they wont die... their limbs grow back or something... ), but intead of the Dipshits blaming themselves for not teaching their Hellspawns the proper way to cross the road... or even to actually run and prevent the act from happening... the Dipshits will blame the road, the car, the fact that there should have been a zebra crossing there, the sun glare, the police, god, me... basically they will pin the blame on something else rather than reflect the bad judgement of the little hellspawn as a result of their 'Superb' parenting techniques ...
Come one you Dipshits... Parenting does not mean that when you bring a child into this world, to just let your child go loose into the world... And it does not mean that for everything the child does wrong.. you find someone to blame for it...
Cos if you want to stop being a dipshit... and want to start being Parent instead... make sure you smack that child's head the next time he does something wrong... believe me... spare the rod and you will spoil the child... and i know that you don't want your kids to go through what you did with your parents hitting you all the time for the dipshits that you were... but remember... for turning out like the dipshits that you are only means that your parents did not hit you enough... what's the worse that can happen if you hit your child... if you get rid of one you can always make another one... and if child services come to get him then so be it.. the government will definitely do a way better job of raising your kids than you ever could...
I know i may sound a bit harsh... but that's only because i hate you dipshits so much... and if i had my way... i'd eat a hundred can of beans, create a giant mass of shit, and dip your god damn dipshit ass heads into that mutha fucker... and please excuse me for the absurd profanities... but i really hate those Dipshits... really... i do... may all you dipshits get ass cancer, go to hell, where you will burn and then finally die... and i mean that from the bottom of my heart...
Peace out...

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

... our first milestone...

I.R.BADBOYZ - I know that it's not much to brag about but... it seems that our HIT counter, which was installed a day or so before has hit 50 visits... even though 25 of the HITs quite possibly came from myself, red_eye and crap... it's still a milestone nonetheless... WOOHOOO!!! We do not suck donkey balls!!!!.... If only we had installed the damn thing when we damned hell started this damn blog...
By the way... is 'Damned' a word?... cos whether or not u put the 'ed' in it, it sounds the same to me... so i guess it should be a word since my spell check seems to think it's okay... but then again... my spell check is not okay with the word 'Okay' itself... since when was 'okay' not a word... I ought to slap that bill gates rich ass face...
So before i get off topic again... let me say that i would like to thank my family and friends... and most of all god... thank you god for making this site a hit with 50 people... thank you... even though we all know that it's probably just 10 people or maybe less who keep revisiting this website, which in turn increases our HIT counter...

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

what merry christmas?

Crap_-_ Ok firstly i'll like to thank all you guys who wished me a merry christmas. Unfortunately, there was this piece of crap who asked me "eh, why u never wish me back?". Well, thats becos wat's so merry abt this day at all?? I'm not having a merry merry time with my life, so won;t it be very hypocrital if i said merry christmas to u too..BITE ME. I mean, with all the stupid famines, natural disasters, wars, rapes, prostituition, loss of jobs, breakups, theft, murders, corruption, quarrels, poverty going on, what's exactly so darn merry to be about ? Wake up i say, open ur freaking eyes and see what's going on and you tell me..merry christmas?? ANd on yeah..a happy new year too...

P.S. I dun celebrate christmas anyway..

what pisses me of... chapter 2... vol I

I.R.BADBOYZ - I believe everyone in Sunny Singapore is familiar with this thing called the ' TV License' ... and yet surprisingly everybody seems to be okay with it... okay with the fact that every year you have to fork out 110 bucks... but does anyone really know what it is for? where does the money go to? who actually came up with this stupid idea? Can Gurmit Singh act for shit?...
Singapore!!! Are you all familiar with the concept or the reason behind a license?... A license is there because there is a need for it to be there... for example... Why do we need a driving license? ... because it is to ensure every other driver that you know how to drive and are less of a hazard on the road as opposed to someone who does not have a license... Why do we need a liquor license?... To ensure that people who sell liquor are aware that they can only sell to to people of the right age... So why do we need a TV license?... I'm pretty sure everyone knows how to watch a TV... can't be that hard... plus all you need to get this license it to pay a sum of money... so why can't i do the same with my driver's license?... why do i have to go through all the trouble of learning how to drive?...
Some say the money is for the TV company... but they earn a lot of revenue through advertisements believe me... others say it's to pay for the maintenance of our HDB TV antenna... but should'nt that fall under HDB as well with the upkeep money given by every household... anyways almost no one uses the aerial antenna anymore now that the cable box is there and it's free to use as well... Am i the only one pissed off about this?... And why is Gurmit Singh still on the air?... why?
All i'm saying is... since what's done is done... as long as the amount stays at 110, i shall not say any more about the matter... but if it were to go up anymore i am gonna write a petition and have people sign it... and don't let me find out which idiot actually came up with the bright idea of implementing this too... for if i do.. i'll put a turd in a paper bag and light it up in front of his house... And for goodness sake will someone please take Gurmit Singh off the air... i admit he was funny when he was in Phua Chu Kang donkey years ago... but you're destroying shows with potential like 'The Noose' by casting him inside of it... that casting director must really suck... i pity the writers for the show... Cos please mr Gurmit... you are still a good Emcee... you know how to rile up a live crowd... but if you still think you're that great a comedian ( especially after crap shit shows like 'Tonight With Gurmit' or whatever his talkshow was called ), i suggest you go to hell, and the burn, and then die or something...

Sunday, December 23, 2007

... singapore press...

I.R.BADBOYZ - I am not a big fan of the press... press that print bull ass crap that is... and a good example would be Singapore's very own ' The New Paper'... ( i know the picture above refers to the electric new paper... but still... i don't think it viable to put any more effort into this article) ... There was even a point where they actually put at the side of their news papers "Singapore's No. 1 tabloid"... WHAT THE!!!... are they proud of typing bullshit?... or maybe they misunderstood the meaning of the word 'tabloid'... oh... but that's okay... considering all of the writers and journalists there supposedly have good qualifications when it comes to the English Vocabulary...

I know that we live in a country where something interesting almost never happens... but still... that should not excuse these retards from always exaggerating their stories all of the time... I still remember that there was a case in Little India about a guy carrying a knife and I had a friend of mine who was there and confirmed that it was just a small knife... but that did not stop those idiotic excuses for journalists to exaggerate the knife to become a Parang ( which is long blade knife used for cutting vegetation and people... )

I know that it is very convenient to carry 'The New Paper' around as opposed to other newspapers available... but at what price?... Every time you read it you will definitely drop down an I.Q. point... And to prove my point... just try to have an intelligent conversation with a person who carries a piece of 'The New Paper' around... just try it...

Anyways... to be fair... there are other uses for this news paper that i have listed as follow:
1) Find out soccer match scores ( for those who don't have TV or internet )
2) To find the best Massage Parlours in Singapore with "Special" services.
3) Good substitute for when you run out of toilet paper.
4) Protect your house floor from getting paint all over it when repainting your house.
5) For pet owners to pick up after their pet's dropping with.
And many other useful stuff... be creative...

Moral of the story: The New Paper is not a really good substitute for toilet paper... So to whoever is in charge of this abominable newspaper company... do us all a favour and go play in traffic...

Friday, December 21, 2007


ReD_eYe - Man, Europeans are people make other people suffer. I might be one of their victims. But I want to let my anger out. Thought I share with you guys. Here goes... (takes deep breath)

We welcome Europeans to our web site, we welcome Europeans, and European descent people on our country, who have the necessary intelligence and conscience, morality and ethics, to be awakened to the horror and the
criminal atrocities that their people have collectively done to others over the last 500 years.

These are just some of the crimes committed by Europeans:

*****In the whole of the "Western Hemisphere ("the Americas")
70 to 100 million people were killed,
mostly using biological warfare
in the form of smallpox .

*****Massacres of people's leadership that left them without
their warrior class and without an intelligentsia
to mount a realistic way to resist
the European invasions of their lands and their continent.

*****Destruction of people's cities, libraries, education systems,
and the culture of our languages and theology.

******Theft of people's farmlands, resources, and ownership
of their continents ("North and South America").

*****Many more monstrous crimes that were savage, immoral,
and beyond what would be expected of a supposedly civilized people: rape, slavery, torture, mutilation, kidnapping, extortion, piracy, and the theft of the gold, silver, and other wealth that was in people's treasuries.

Thank you for reading my rant...

what pisses me of... chapter 1... vol I

I.R.BADBOY - Now just take a look at this poster above... what does it have to do anything with pissing me off?... well from the title of this blog you can presume that there are a lot of things in this world that pisses my piss of my pissing ass dick...
This movie is called Dragon Wars... It's a Sci-Fi or Fantasy or whatever-you-label-it movie... and that's still okay with me and my piss... So what is it about it that pisses me off.. hmm... well... the comments that i am about to make may not necessarily be meant to diss this movie... it is to diss all movie that belong to this special movie catergory called ' Piss-Ant movies'... Movies that for some reason, go crazy on their budget with the CGI effects ( and mind you... the CGI effects in this movie rival those of that in Jurassic Park 3... which is another Piss-Ant movie itself... ) and special effects with cars and building blowing up all around... and military helicopters and what not... and after all of this lavish expenditures, the producers of these movies realise that they are left with probably 50 bucks in their budget for actors... actors that suck so much... they make the phrase ' the suckiest suck that ever sucked a suck ' not a bad enough insult for them... and after watching it... i find that i have lost that precious 2 hours of my life...

Moral of the Story: There is no bloody moral here... Just don't watch Piss-Ant movies... it's less painful to die from cancer...

How to piss people off.

Crap _-_ Occasionally, i'll be teaching u folks how to really piss people who annoy you off. We'll be starting with SISSY. Don't u just find it irritating when some sissy piece of crap talks to u? Well.. they say fight fire with fire, so the best way to get back at them is to be even more sissy. Try using your most girly voice, twirl your hair, flick ur hands and say shit like " OH MY GWAD, that bracelet is just fantastic, dun u think so too lil goose?"/"See how shiny my nails are? I just buffed em this morning, ain't it all cute" all this while you place ur hands on ur cheek in a most 'cute' way. Trust me it'll freak them out. If they'll still smiling and don;t seem affected at all, just tell them " HEY WAT THE F#@% is wrong with you, u piece of shit, f@!%$ng sissy!" nothing works better den a direct hostile remark sometimes.
There'll be a video on how to do this soon made by us watch out for it.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Tax(i) Ride...

ReD_eYe - Taxi fares are up again. Commuters were unhappy of the sudden increase of the fare. Flagging down a Comfort or CityCab will cost $0.30 more at $2.80. The metered fare has also been adjusted. It will cost $0.20 per 385 metres of travel for the first 10 kilometres. This will go up to $0.20 per 330 metres for journeys beyond 10 kilometres. It will cost $0.20 for every 45 seconds of waiting time. Instead of the $2 surcharge for peak hour travel, there will now be a premium levied. It will be 35 per cent of the metered fare. And the CBD surcharge will go up from the existing $1 to $3. That's an 100% increase from the previous fare. "As oil prices increase, I think its natural the taxi fare increase as well.", said Mr James Koh an analyst; more of an anal piss in my opinion. "It is classic cause and effect.", said Cheryl Lim, 25, a taxi commuter. "It may or may not due to the oil prices. For all we know, they just want to make more money from the public.", Miss Lim added. On 18th of this month Comfort has a 20 percent decrease of taxi booking and it may get worst. Now more taxi commuters like Cheryl will use other public transport such as buses and trains. Good news for her as she can save money but bad news for bus and train commuters like me. That means I will have more people to compete in 'seat rushing'. A sport I always do when taking a bus or train during rush hour. It is fun, thrilling and if you're lucky you can get in to a fight. For many seat rusherers its bad news for them but for me, bring it on! The more the merrier! More news on 'seat rushing' soon...

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Problems of the male Genitalia

I.R.BADBOY - Now guys... look closely at these two pictures... now take some time to absorb them and tell me if you see any difference between the two... Because the unfortunate thing is that... most guys will tell you that the picture on the left has Spongebob in it whereas the picture on the right does not...
I know by now... especially for the ladies out there... all of you are wondering why, who or what the hell is this guy blabbering about now?... well let me enlighten you then... I do not know about the rest of the world... but here in Singapore... we are known as the garden city state world wide ( or so we claim )... but the same thing cant be said about the state of our toilets... especially the male ones...
Now i am not saying that all toilets are dirty... i'm referring to the toilets that do not have cleaning people running in and out every few minutes cleaning up somebody else's mess... it seems that most men in Singapore... see the toilet bowl just the same as wild animals see a tree... Because for some strange reason... the urinals that are placed conveniently outside the cubicles are not a feasible place to pee... and i can still respect that for some men are shy about showing their ding-dong to the world... but yet strangely whenever i enter almost any cubicle... you seem to find pee on almost everywhere else except inside the toilet bowl... why is that you might ask?... well the best explanation i can come up with is that some men still retain that primal instinct to mark their territory by peeing all over a said inanimate object just as a wild animal might do to a tree... and that is what the picture above there is all about...

Moral of the Story: If you have a problem peeing straight... then stick to the urinals or pee in a toilet bowl sitting down... Because the next time i see a bugger marking his territory on a toilet bowl like an animal... i'll have you bloody neutered... you damn pricks...

One Week To Christmas...

ReD_eYe - One week to Christmas, have you done your Christmas shopping yet? For most women the answer is no. This largely due to last minute deals on Christmas Eve. One of them is Mango. No, Mango is not a fruit. At least not in this case. The Mango in question is the 'famous women apparel store'. They have a few stores island wide including in Tampines Mall and Suntec City. Many shoppers (mostly women) flock to Mango to get the best deals. As this sale is an annual event, the turnout of shoppers were overwhelming. "This is amazing! I never seen so many beautiful things in my life!",said Mr John Lim, 27. Mr Lim is not describing the clothes but the women shoppers in the outlet. "The last time I was here I met my ex-girlfriend. So today I'm finding a new one.", Mr Lim added. He wasn't the only man in search of a soul mate, there were a handful of other men there as well. (We can rule out the male 'homos', which as we all know, they shop at Mango too). I was really surprised to see many pretty ladies in the Mango outlets. So if you need a date for your company's Christmas party, you know where to find them. And the best part is, you do not have to pay any cover charge. This goes to show that beautiful girls in Singapore are crazy for cheap stuff. So Gentlemen, we have to be cheap to get their attention.

1st nice

CRap - Do you honestly need to be an A-hole to blog in cyberspace?? YES YOU DO. The web was created by A-holes for if u dun like wat u're gonna be seeing here..don;t come in and view anything..stick to your hello kitty/barbie/mylilponies websites.

this is as nice as i;ll possibly ever get.enjoy it:)

What to Expect...

ReD_eYe - This blog is a space for three young men to share their views and concerns pertaining to the world today. This includes news stories, interviews, ground breaking coverage of today's current events. The goal of this blog is to provide you the most accurate and truthful stories for the masses. You can even write to us to address your concern/s and we will do our best to reply and give you the absolute truth. Need it be facts or figures that needed to be proven; we will do it for you! So watch this space for more turn of events.*
Please send your questions to

*Please note that the truth is just fictional. Stories, articles, interviews and ground breaking coverage is purely fictional. Anything got to do with the real people or events are purely coincidental. Answers to the viewers question should not be taken seriously and have to be taken with a pinch of salt. If you want, a pinch pepper will do, for taste. Then stir it to a boil. After thirty minutes, put in the braised chicken and chicken stock. Put it in a bowl. Garnish with parsley and serve with white wine.


I.R.BADBOY - I just had an epiphany today... So I just wanted to share it with all of you... before i forget it that is... So here goes me...
It seems that in this world, there are two types of people... those who have really been in love... and those who have never been in love( no matter how much they claim to )... and for hundreds of years, people have pondered how to tell one group from the other... so all you have to do is to read this saying out loud, ( or idiom... or proverb... or whatever in god's name they call it nowadays ) " It's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all ". For those people who have really been in love, they will tell you that this saying is bull crap and hope that someday you will get ass cancer and die... whereas wannabe lovers still actually believe the saying is true somewhat... and so....
Moral of the story: My Epiphanies are Awesome...

P.S. For those R-tards who do not know what an 'Epiphany' is... it means to realize something new about something else...