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Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Resolutions... from the Need3head crew

I.R.BADBOYZ - There are a few reasons why I am at home right now not celebrating the new year... With the reasons being:-
1) ReD_eYe went AWOL on me and went to celebrate the new year with some bugger who was offering him free booze or something...
2) My Flu has gotten so bad that my head hurts like hell. And to be honest I was actually planning to bail on Red_eYe but the jerk-off actually beat me to it...

I honestly have never been a big fan of celebrating the new year... Cos it just reminds me of the fact that I ave wasted yet another year doing absolutely nothing really productive... and honestly i don't care much for 2008 but I would like to set some new years resolutions that I will most definitely never be able to accomplish... why do I do that you ask?... well... it kind of puts things into perspective for myself... So without further a due, here are my resolutions for this year:-
  • To host the BBC top motoring show 'Top Gear'. ( This is actually a real goal of mine )
  • To enter in the F1 Grand Prix. ( Any team will do really... i just want to crash an F1 car to see how it will feel like )
  • To pull off an elaborate heist on Singapore's up and coming Casino. ( Although I might have to push this resolution next year because I don't think they can finish it by this year)
  • To commit more crimes and get away with it. ( You should have seen the amount of rubbish I threw all over the place last year... You'll never catch me you incompetent environment officers... Nyaaaaaaaah!!!! )
  • To find Taufik Batisah and spray his foundation wearing face with Mace. (although I have yet to locate a source for me to purchase the Mace that I require... so if you do know how to get some please comment on this page )
Well.... i'll leave the rest of the space of this post for Crap and ReD_eYe to write their resolutions...

Crap_-_ Well, its time for a much more serious post without the usual vulgarities and nonsense rantings. 2007 has passed, finally.. I'm not gonna say it had been a horrible year but me and 2007 sorta got off on a wrong start(i was at the countdown party last year and only managed to get a freaking cab at 4am..even though i tried calling to book..the booking cab came at 4am.. AMAZING) 2007 has been quite interesting. I would call it the year of extremes for me. EXtremely bad and ExTremely great at certain points. To Summarise 2007, i had fun, had some very interesting times, fell in love( I'm serious), had a load of crap fall on relationships, got drunk a few times, all in a very messed up year as i felt like i was in some kind of stupid drama serial sometimes. Let's hope 2008 has less drama , no mamas and all the good things in life i missed out last year happens now..*fingers crossed* Oh yeah, i still hate you Vegetarian Cows who refuse to eat meat, may u grow udders . AND to those of you (you know who u are~) who wanna tell me u had a bad year/bad day/bad hour/bad min/bad sec...May you go F#!% yourself you piece of turd!!! unless ur family died, u have aids,ebola, half your house got destroyed, your whole house got destroyed, car fell into the depths of the earth and melted, etc.. DO NOT TELL ME wat u have been thru, u have no fucking idea.. OH NO i cuss!! oh shit oh crap.. so much for resolutions..hahaha happy new year

* P.S. to the guy up there who likes messing my life up.. STOP IT and go find someone else to play with

ReD_eYe - A brand new year huh? Well apart from putting socks in the mouths of people that love to whine, my new year resolution is simple. Be a good person and make reasonable goals for this year. Well 2008 is a year where i have lived two lunar calender cycles and I tend to make 2008 a memorable one. Its been a great 2007. Alot of things has happened. Some things were lost and new ones were gained. At the end of the day, we should not dabble on the past but look forward to the future. We hope to make a mark in history, so we have to work hard for the future. Have a good year and to Mr I.R.BADBOYZ, sorry man I really am. But to make you feel better I did not meet him either. I went to see the fireworks instead... It was beautiful... So anyone up to watch a movie???

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