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Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Useless things in the world - Part One

ReD_eYe - Well it is about time for me to write something for the new year. And what better thing to write about something so useless and redundant in our world today. Be in mind all the things I'm going to write in this article is final. So your job is to read and then comment. You may agree or disagree the things I am going to say but the bottom line is, it is just my point of view on useless and redundant things in the world today, nothing more and nothing less.

With the introduction out of the way, on with the useless thing in my mind today. The useless thing in my mind today is Singapore's Speakers' Corner. When is the last time you've been at Hong Lim Park and actually see somebody speak their lungs out about things they are pissed or glad about. Speakers'Corner was established by the government on September 1, 2000, at Hong Lim Park. The small park is notable for the presence of a large nearby police station. The Speakers' Corner was established owing to dissatisfaction amongst Singaporeans who have few or no venues to air their public opinions. Only Singaporean citizens who have registered with the police at the police station are allowed to speak. Speeches are subject to national laws, for example, racial and religious issues prohibited. The Corner is opened during daylight hours, from 7 am to 7 pm, every day of the year.

Initially it was a popular venue, with 400 speakers registering in the first year, by 2006 this figure was down to 26. What about 2007? It is safe to assume that there was absolutely no one went there to voice out their concerns. Why is it useless today? Well its technology my fellow need3headers (yes I have brand the people that read our articles as need3headers). Internet is the better way to voice your concern. Blogs, forums and bulletin boards are a better option than "Speakers' Corner". That's what I am doing today, to prove a point. Its less tiring and I can voice out anywhere (anywhere with a computer and Internet connection that is). Well it is now a venue for young people to play soccer and sports. Singapore Speakers' Corner is so useless and redundant to voice out your opinions; unless your 50 cent, Justin Timberlake and Timberland because their tired of using technology.

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