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Thursday, January 3, 2008

Useless things in the world - Part Two

ReD_eYe - Okay for today's useless thing in the world, it is something really, really annoying. You have seen these shiny little buggers before. They usually hangout at the MRT underground stations like Raffles Place and such. They provide us with "comfort" while we wait for the train to arrive. Well, I'm not talking about the normal proper benches but the new shiny 'slip and slide' benches.

First thing first, it does look stylish and shiny. I believe it is made of aluminium or something and with the station's air-conditioning, it makes the surface of the bench cold. ICE COLD!!! That is not the only thing, the bench also have a smooth surface. It is so smooth you can slide off the darn thing just as you sit on it. It is more like a slide found in children's' playground than a bench for my liking. All of the money we spend on riding the train and this is what we get? Amazing isn't it? There was this one time on my way home from work, where I saw an old lady trying her best to keep her footing just to sit on the shiny bench. It was amusing to watch at first, but after seeing her struggling to sit on it, it kind of felt like a sick joke.

Who does SMRT think they are? Do they think these shiny benches are some fun idea of a joke? You know what will be a joke? A SMRT Train getting knocked off its tracks by an archer. If that happens, then we can call it even.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

its amazing that there was such a huge ruckus about it a couple of months back and SMRT still did nothing about it.

i'm guessing the head of SMRT does have a wicked sense of humour.