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Saturday, December 29, 2007

what pisses me off... chapter 3... vol I

I.R.BADBOYZ - Hmm... what could be pissing off my pissing ass prick today?... hmmm.... I get a gut feeling that you'll all find out in a lil' bit...
Parents... not yours or mine... but these group of 'Parents' that believe that by having sex and giving birth to a child... it gives them the title of being 'Parents'... be it whether thier child's a bastard or not... i hate them... i detest them... and that's what makes me strong...
These so called 'Parents'... actually let's not call these people ' Parents ' ... let's call them ... ummm... 'Dipshits'... dipshits are basically what you might call the new age 'Parents'... Dipshits are people who unleash their hellspawns onto the world and as a result makes the world a much more smellier shithole to live in... and as usual... you guys have no idea right about now where i'm getting at... just be patient and read on...
Shit wads... wait... oh yeah... i meant to say... Dipshits are those who complain against shows like Tellytubbies, South Park and stuff like smoking and what not... Generally they are people who complain about anything that is anything... Dipshits have a very weird concept with regards to how they raise their kids... They don't scold, or reprimand, or hit or act in any sort of way to remind or instill in their children discipline of any kind when their children has done something wrong...
Say what now?.... sigh... let me give you an example... Say the child of Dipshits... sorry ... let me rephrase that... Say a Hellspawn of Dipshits was to run across the road and get hit by a car ( dont worry... they're hellspawns so they wont die... their limbs grow back or something... ), but intead of the Dipshits blaming themselves for not teaching their Hellspawns the proper way to cross the road... or even to actually run and prevent the act from happening... the Dipshits will blame the road, the car, the fact that there should have been a zebra crossing there, the sun glare, the police, god, me... basically they will pin the blame on something else rather than reflect the bad judgement of the little hellspawn as a result of their 'Superb' parenting techniques ...
Come one you Dipshits... Parenting does not mean that when you bring a child into this world, to just let your child go loose into the world... And it does not mean that for everything the child does wrong.. you find someone to blame for it...
Cos if you want to stop being a dipshit... and want to start being Parent instead... make sure you smack that child's head the next time he does something wrong... believe me... spare the rod and you will spoil the child... and i know that you don't want your kids to go through what you did with your parents hitting you all the time for the dipshits that you were... but remember... for turning out like the dipshits that you are only means that your parents did not hit you enough... what's the worse that can happen if you hit your child... if you get rid of one you can always make another one... and if child services come to get him then so be it.. the government will definitely do a way better job of raising your kids than you ever could...
I know i may sound a bit harsh... but that's only because i hate you dipshits so much... and if i had my way... i'd eat a hundred can of beans, create a giant mass of shit, and dip your god damn dipshit ass heads into that mutha fucker... and please excuse me for the absurd profanities... but i really hate those Dipshits... really... i do... may all you dipshits get ass cancer, go to hell, where you will burn and then finally die... and i mean that from the bottom of my heart...
Peace out...

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