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Friday, September 19, 2008

I am annoyed.. for real

Crap_-_ Lately i've been getting the feeling facebook is the best way to get the latest news. It seems that all i've been hearing is " HAVE YOU SEEN FACEBOOK?" or "KNOW WAT HAPPENED? check facebook". No longer is News 5 tonight or the CNN the best way to get the latest updates on happenings around the "world" and for the record.. i hardly get onto facebook, so i guess i'm not really into 'NEWs' ok...anyway, with that out of the way. i shall continue.
TO those that matter..
You guys are my friends, and have been there for me when i was down. Do not mistake this message as a declaration of war on u or watsoever, i have no time for that nonsense. IF i wanted a war, i would send a nuke.. this is just a post to let u know that i am your friend, only if u wish me to remain as one. Lately i know some of you have been going thru a rough patch, i think the people involved will know who i am directing this message to. Like i said, i am your friend, and if u folks need to pour out your woes on msn, sms, mms, or whatever other form of media, i'll lend a ear. If you needa get drunk or gorge yourself on food and piss all over yourself over that too just to feel better, i'll be there too if u want me to. BUT.. do not ever ever get me involved in your little wars directly. Sharing of your problems is what i'll appreciate, not making me part of your problems. Hopefully you people should learn to respect others if u expect me to respect you and not start saying things I don't even understand. Things like " you should know, apparently you've known for awhile" do not make sense to me when i have no fucking idea what your quarrels are, and who started it. I do not know who has WEAPONS of MASS DESTRUCTION and i do not really care who made the 1st nuclear bomb. We are not members of a political party.. what the hell do you think this is "World of SDP" ??? All i ever have knowledge about is on things that i see or hear and even then, i dun even trust my eyes sometimes. And how am i expected to trust people that cannot trust me? If the countless times we've gone thru shit together doesn;t matter.. den i better re evaluate my life. This is not the 1st time this has happened.. and i hope i never made an error of judgement when choosing my friends.
Please do not ever call me a bro, dude, friend or crap if this doesn't get through to u folks. I have said enough and man am i pissed. YOUR LIFE SUCKS, SO DOES MINE, lets leave it that way.

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