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Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Crap_-_ Hey there folks, its my holidays again..and man am i sooo bored.. been surfing the net lately and i suddenly came up with this idea.
Apparently, there is a sort of FIGHTCLUB in singapore.. for those who have watched the movie, which starred Brad Pitt, and no..Brad Pitt isn't dead yet we have to pray abit harder. anyway..this fightclub singapore is catered more towards boxing and has nothing watsoever to do with the fightclub portrayed in the movie.
However it suddenly struck me that since no one has officially started anything like that here yet..why not start one now..
Imagine, people meeting up to beat the crap out of one another to relieve stress, test their skills, or just being plain idiots..the motive isn't important.. but the main point is..which is to FIGHT.
SO folks..if you're interested in participating in such a leave your messages and if we have enough of you "fighters" we might just go ahead with it. remember..this is not a terrorist organisation so leave ur bombs, ak47s and Dildos at home. And yes..partly why i came up with this idea is because so many folks in singapore have been asking if there was a fight club in singapore.. so if you're interested..why not make this really happen..and who knows..u might even get to beat up that annoying boss of yours who refuses to approve your leave..

this is just my own opinion and mine alone, people who gather who fight for no reason are idiots..but as IR would say..any reason is a good reason, always better than no reason. And in case the ISD or NSA or Watever anti terrorist organisation is looking in..well..thank you for visiting and I do not have any WOMDs stop checking us out and visit instead? or maybe facebook

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