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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Calling Of Duties For; More Than Ware Fair...

ReD_eYe - Ok let’s be honest here. The reason I did not post any new articles is because of two things: My day job and my night job. Well I am a trader by day but a "killer" by night. Before you go off and warn the authorities about my killing ways, let me elaborate on what I meant by "killer". Well my night job is very hectic. It requires dexterity, patience, skill and determination. The term "killer" here is killing people in the online world. It’s safe, legal and it has huge amount of satisfaction involved. It’s the best thing in the world to do absolute chaos and destruction. You won't be blamed of having Weapons of Mass Destruction and then a certain superpower will not invade your home claiming you have such weapons (which you don't) and take your crude oil (in this case cooking oil) as their own. It’s completely safe and legit.

How do you kill someone online? Well there are these things called computer/console games. They are the best things ever happen to me since Television. These "games" will allow you to kill people in the online world and BE commended. The "games" in question are Battlefield 2 (BF2) and Call of Duty 4 (COD4). They are First Person Shooters (FPS)* and my personal multiplayer game favorites. Both of these games are great and they really reward you by killing more people (the enemy).

For BF2, you can rise up through the ranks. You start as a private soldier and if you are dedicated enough you can rise up till a 4 star general which is kind of surreal if you ask me. Which country has her generals fighting at the front lines? Anyways I digress. Apart of rising up the ranks you can be awarded badges and ribbons. BF2 is really a squad base game and you have to have teamwork to dominate your enemy. (My Current Rank: Gunnery Sergeant. Game Nick: aron_het)

For COD4, it’s a different story: It’s more of an individual thing. You will rely on your survival and fighting skills. You have to customize your soldier and bring death to your enemies. I guess you still can have teamwork in the game such as providing suppressing fire or create a diversion so that your other team members can flank the enemy. As for ranks go, it’s much easier to achieve a 4 star general than BF2. (My Current Rank: 1st Lieutenant. Game Nick: ReDeYe)

Well it goes to show killing is indeed a fun thing to do. No doubt about it. No wonder there are a lot of killings going on in our world today. After playing these games, you will understand why killers keep on killing. But remember the way they do their killing is WRONG. You can be a serial killer but keep it in the online world of gaming. So guys why don't you pick up a copy of BF2 or COD4 today and start killing!

FYI: If you play BF2 or COD4 and want to kill me or kill alongside me, add me via XFIRE** with the username: redeye1984 or aron_het

*(FPS) is a genre in the gaming world. It’s like Pop to Music.
**XFIRE is an online and popular VIOP for online gaming. It’s like Friendster to Internet

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