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Sunday, February 17, 2008

Ah Meng

I.R.BADBOYZ - As most of us Singaporeans know, or maybe this is the first time you have heard about this little piece of news even though it was all over the front pages of various news papers all around Singapore. Our Singapore Zoo's beloved icon, Ah Meng the Orang Utan has passed on... And why, nobody knows... The investigation is still on going.... Actually I don't really know or care how, when or why it happened and made the previous statement up as I did not bother to look into the matter. And i predict that this article might generate a few 'hate' comments... but i think i'll live...
I honestly can say that it is indeed sad that the animal above died, as upset as I am when I see a dead rat or cat on the street.... It's still an animal Singapore!!!... C'mon... People are dying all over the world and you put a huge picture of Ah Meng on the news paper for a couple of days... what is wrong with you people... Is Singapore really that boring... I don't even want to continue on typing cos it's not even worth the effort anymore...

Moral of the Story: If our Singapore reporters were to focus their articles on the plight of some unfortunate Singaporeans who struggle to survive day by day on every newspaper main page every day. Then maybe... Just maybe... People will help these people... And not because they want to... But because they don't want any more articles on poor people on their news... cos it's just too depressing... And yes i know... I am a genius... Who knew...

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