I.R.BADBOYZ: - Actually this title i wrote above is from an online news article by the good people of Channel News Asia... I would advice you to read this article first if you want to have any chance at all at understanding what I am blabbering about today...
Here's the link :- http://sg.news.yahoo.com/cna/20080327/tap-337508-231650b.html
(hopefully the link works... i did'nt bother to test it out...)
Anyways... in this article they went around taking polls from 15 year old students all around Singapore (Cos everyone else would just ignore them as they would an Apek selling tissue packets outside the MRT stations around Singapore)... The polls were with close regards to the topic of our latest criminal celebrity Mr Mas Selamat... And the article also had various inputs from our country's so-called "top-minds" and "influential" people... here's a quote from the article:-
" But others seem disheartened by the fact that a month has already gone by. Singapore is too small a place for someone to evade detection for so long, said finance analyst Nazirah Akhtar, 27. And many find it hard to believe Mas Selamat could have survived in a forested area for so long. Said IT consultant Loh Guopei, 27, "What has he been living on? Coconuts?" "...
I don't know whether you all know this but... Apparently our country is being run by 27 year olds... especially those in the Finance and IT sector no doubt... I mean Really!!? What... why... who are these people...? First and foremost we have Miss Nazirah Akhtar, a financial analyst, who believes that after watching the first two seasons of prison break, she is an expert of the matter... And then we have Mr Loh Guopei, our IT guy who I can safely bet is a packing a bit more weight around his weight than most... Cos he believes that a person cannot survive a day if they do not eat at Burger King for breakfast, dinner and lunch...
I'm not even going to bother to write a 'moral of the story' for this post... Cos seriously... to Miss Nazirah Akhtar and Mr Loh Guopei... Here's some constructive criticism for you guys... Fuck you...