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Friday, September 19, 2008

I am annoyed.. for real

Crap_-_ Lately i've been getting the feeling facebook is the best way to get the latest news. It seems that all i've been hearing is " HAVE YOU SEEN FACEBOOK?" or "KNOW WAT HAPPENED? check facebook". No longer is News 5 tonight or the CNN the best way to get the latest updates on happenings around the "world" and for the record.. i hardly get onto facebook, so i guess i'm not really into 'NEWs' ok...anyway, with that out of the way. i shall continue.
TO those that matter..
You guys are my friends, and have been there for me when i was down. Do not mistake this message as a declaration of war on u or watsoever, i have no time for that nonsense. IF i wanted a war, i would send a nuke.. this is just a post to let u know that i am your friend, only if u wish me to remain as one. Lately i know some of you have been going thru a rough patch, i think the people involved will know who i am directing this message to. Like i said, i am your friend, and if u folks need to pour out your woes on msn, sms, mms, or whatever other form of media, i'll lend a ear. If you needa get drunk or gorge yourself on food and piss all over yourself over that too just to feel better, i'll be there too if u want me to. BUT.. do not ever ever get me involved in your little wars directly. Sharing of your problems is what i'll appreciate, not making me part of your problems. Hopefully you people should learn to respect others if u expect me to respect you and not start saying things I don't even understand. Things like " you should know, apparently you've known for awhile" do not make sense to me when i have no fucking idea what your quarrels are, and who started it. I do not know who has WEAPONS of MASS DESTRUCTION and i do not really care who made the 1st nuclear bomb. We are not members of a political party.. what the hell do you think this is "World of SDP" ??? All i ever have knowledge about is on things that i see or hear and even then, i dun even trust my eyes sometimes. And how am i expected to trust people that cannot trust me? If the countless times we've gone thru shit together doesn;t matter.. den i better re evaluate my life. This is not the 1st time this has happened.. and i hope i never made an error of judgement when choosing my friends.
Please do not ever call me a bro, dude, friend or crap if this doesn't get through to u folks. I have said enough and man am i pissed. YOUR LIFE SUCKS, SO DOES MINE, lets leave it that way.

Geylang... the bazaar geylang i mean...

I.R.BABOYZ:- Today, or yesterday for that matter (since it is after midnight), i went out for a little excursion to Bazaar Geylang. With a wingwoman, you know, and of course she was a little useless in that sense. Actually i did not come across anything i liked, so can't really blame her totally.
Now back to the point. The Bazaar Geylang or Bazaar Raya (whichever tickles your fancy), is a yearly event that happens during the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan. It is where Muslims in Singapore go to buy items in preparation for the up and coming celebration that we call Hari Raya or Eid Mubarak. And as usual, there is pretty much nothing new to see in the bazaar. Asit has been the same as the year before, and the year before that. Except for one little detail of course.
I noticed that there have been a substantial increase in the number of shops that are selling motor vehicles. A lot of them actually. There are even a few of them that are selling brand new motorcycles as well. Here is a thought for you, imagine a friend of yours and you were to have the following conversation:

Friend: Hey dude, you want to follow me to the Bazaar at Geylang?
You: Yeah sure. But why?
Friend: Oh, i was thinking of buying a car. So i thought why not go to the bazaar and buy one.
You: Cool.

And i am pretty sure that this conversation has taken place. And notice that i have refrained from using any swear words. That is cos i'm fasting. Oh look. It's time to break fast. Fucking AWESOME!!!...

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Magnetic Death To You Too...

ReD_eYe - Death Magnetic the long awaited album from MetallicA. Being a huge MetallicA fan I bought it the day it was released 12th September 2008. The album is way way way different from St. Anger and to me this album is good.

Lets face it, MetallicA was super awesome in the 80's. You can't deny that. Over the years they 'evolve' and become totally different band. I think its something to do about cutting their hair short. Who knows maybe their hairs was the source of their previous 'Greatness'. That's a mystery no one wants to solve.

Being said that, Death magnetic is the right direction towards that 'Greatness'. Its not like the previous albums in the 80's, like Ride the Lightning or Master of Puppets but its something that head towards that style of metal. The music and lyrics are again similar to their early work.

An example would be the "The Day That Never Comes" which I believe is their first single for the album. The song is great and has that 'One' feel towards it. Maybe its the music video for the song that make me compare "The Day That Never Comes" to "One". The song (The Day That Never Comes) starts slow and has a ballad feel to it but as the song progress it feels upbeat and more heavy. The riffs at the end or the outro sounds like 'One' or something from ...And Justice For All.

Don't get me wrong though, the song is great, one of my favorites in fact. Nice to see there are some instrumental songs in the album. MetallicA may or may not lost the ability to write good lyrics but they sure know their music. The instrumental part was a great and something any MetallicA fan would enjoy. Each riffs and the piano piece (yeah I know! its the first for them I think) was great and heavy at most parts. You would know its a MetallicA riff if you heard it, its that prominent believe me. As for the drums, well lets say Lars Ulrich did a great jobs as always.

Overall this album is a good one. MetallicA fans alike should get it and listen to it. I advise you not to compare it to the older ones and listen to it as it is. You will then understand that they have gone back to the 'essence' of MetallicA.

4 stars out of 5 stars.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Donkeys are smart like cows are green

Crap_-_ Well, its been awhile since i posted anything up.. and i just noticed I've been starting most of my blogs with that line..
I also just noticed my fellow 2 other heads have been bz being patriotic, with their latest video showing how extremely patriotic they are towards our country. Well done guys.. next year's GST rebate will be twice the amount you are currently receiving now.
Anyway. i do not have any news or comments to post. Just thought i shud leave something here once awhile to mark my territory, like pissing next to a tree..just so people know i'm still alive. So thats all folks..and if you're wondering what the title has got to do with this blog? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.. and if u're pissed that u wasted ur life reading my entry? Please don't be.. cos spending time reading this post just goes to show that like me .. YOU HAVE NO there's nothing to waste

P.S. just for the record.. i still dun like that guy from

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I will sue you...

I.R.BADBOYZ:- I juat wanted to make one thing clear. That there are some words and or phrases that i may or may not have used in this blog that are my own. And by my own i mean that they are my own words and that anyone who is no one, should never ever try to copy my shit. Because i will not hesitate to sue your ass, and that goes double for you Gurmit Singh. And just so you know, the reason that i have put up this post is to show it as proof for being the first person to have come up with the following combination of words, so i better not see them being printed on some bloody T-Shirts without getting some bloody royalties.

Original Phrases or sayings by I.R.BADBOYZ:

1) Lick My Ass Hair
2) With Enough Authority, you can get away with anything.
3) With Enough Authoritar, you can get away with anythar.
4) Gotta Stop Feeling with my balls, Thinking with my heart and speaking with my mind.
5) aww crap... i forgot the last one... damn memory loss...

And no... Number 5 is not actually the saying i meant to write there, i simply forgot what i was supposed to write. But that does not mean that if somebody wrote number 5 on a T-shirt that i won't sue them.