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Friday, April 25, 2008

Updates, Updates, Updates... (think of the song "Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps")

ReD_eYe - Hello everyone! It’s been awhile and I think I'm long overdue to write something here.

Firstly, we have to give I.R.BADBOYZ a lot of credit since he is the only one keeping this website alive. Thanks to him, his ability to do mind-taking and his tremendous amount of free time, he has managed to conjure up some great articles that has made this website fresh and popular among the masses. Thank you Minge! (said in Gary’s voice)

CRap is busy trying to keep his sanity in that insane school of his. Think of it this way; imagine CRap as Will Smith in I Am Legend, where Crap is the only sane man and alive in New York City. Keeping sane nowadays is very hard work, so please understand if you do not see his posts very often.

As for me, I am very busy with my day job. I know it’s not a good excuse but business has been good lately and a lot of things need to be done to keep all of my company's transactions moving smoothly. In fact due to work, I have no free time even for myself. Well I think that's how working life is like I guess. However, do not fret! I shall do my best to make way an hour or two to do an article per month!

Okay, introductions aside, here are some serious matters I have to let you guys know. We are currently on the verge of doing some great things for the website. Yay! Expect more videos made by us and also we are printing NeeD3HeaD T-shirts. These T-shirts will soon be available and is for sale for the public. As for when the T-shirts will be out is too soon to say but expect it to happen in the coming months. We will even post some article describing about our T-shirts making process so watch this space if you are interested.

Finally, we have to say thank you very much to the readers and fans (if any) that had spent or sacrificed their free time just to read our articles. Special thanks to the people that gave a little more attention to us by writing comments and also our tag board. Your positive and negative statements are the main driving force to make articles and kept us going. Not forgetting our friends and family for their love and support for us. And of course last and certainly not the least, GOD, for creating and inspire us so we can create NeeD3HeaD.

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