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Monday, April 28, 2008


Crap_-_ Ok folks..this topic is a breakaway from the usual crap i normally offload;s got to do with the OLympics..
Wat exactly is it? for those of you who have been living under a rock's this major global sporting event that held once every few many exactly i never bothered to count..never really followed it..and probably never will. Why den am i writing on it? Read on to find out.
Well a brief history on the Olympic games... In ancient greece, men from all over the country would come to compete for fame, glory and all that u actually gain fame from dashing along a mud track in the fastest amount of time..i will never understand. And oh yeah..they competed in the homo can it get. modern times..the atheletes no longer run around in the buff..thank goodness, can u imagine a bunch of guys running around the national stadium in the buff during the 100m's sooo wrong. this year it;s gonna be held in beijing, china. Well..and if u actually do watch tv or read the'll know by now that there;'s been a crap load of protests from people about it being held in china. What i do not understand is the reason they use for protesting. One of the reasons is that China is a serious offender of human rights..they apparently beat people with metal spikes there for staring or something as these protesters Alright..i;m gonna say this only once.. I do not know if they really do it like that there, but what i know is.. u can get whacked with a ten foot metal spiked poke anywhere u go, anywhere between Antartica and the North pole. So anyway..these protesters go..hey! let's boycott the olympics by head butting the torch bearers when they run thru our country.
So i guess harressing torch bearers on wheel chairs is very ethical eh..u know what incident i;m refering to..u dumb wankers.. Oh yeah.. and chasing torch bearers across half your cities is too right?? I can see your're only trying to help them run faster...amazing behaviour by these folks who call themselves human rights activists.. I hope u get a plane stuck up ur asses soon.
The Olympics is all about sports.. Nothing more.. I'm not gonna delve into the political reasons i believe are really behind all this nonsense because i believe politics and sports shud never be mixed together.. and IF China really had so many human rights violations with so many people dying all over the country..explain why it is the most populous nation in the world today..
I not boycott the olympics, whether it;s held in IRaq or Afghanistan or whatever.. Leave the sports to the sportsmen..and for those of u atheletes who are boycotting the games for one reason or another..SHAME ON YOU.. just admit u are not taking part because u know you can;t win and stop hiding behind all these stupid protesters. For those of you who are taking part and who support the olympics....thou i dun think i;ll be watching it much if at all.. I salute u and wish u all the best.. just try not to do run around naked.. unless you're a hot swimmer or gymnast in the women's team.. :)`

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