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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Why i refer to women as 'crazy people'...

I.R.BADBOYZ:- You know, i'm not a sexist person. But there comes a time when i do think that when God created women, he probably has no idea what he was doing. Or maybe he does? Who knows. But I have always believed that we men, with our abilities to come up with complex stuff like computers and binary codes and what not, have always been unable to understand the female psyche. And for that valid reason, i call women 'Crazy people'. And believe you me ladies, from where we guys are standing, and if you were in our shoes, you would definitely understand.
I actually came across a book. And it was actually written by a female author for men to better understand women that is. And it had these equations as examples to how men and women react to different situations. And here's my version of it.

A man's thoughts...

1) Damn i'm hungry. Hey it's dinnertime already?
2) Maybe i'll eat some Mee Goreng, plus they'll be playing the soccer game on TV, so i can watch the game as well.
3) Let's go to Simpang Bedok.

Equation is:- 1 + 2 = 3
Simple, yes?

A female's thoughts...

1) I'm hungry. It's dinnertime isn't it?
2) I wonder if i go out to eat too much? Or maybe not enough? Have i paid my phone bill yet? Why does my boyfriend want to go to Simpang Bedok... That place reminds me of my ex's... Plus there was that incident with my Hair. That was awful. Maybe i should wash my hair before i go out? Why do guys like to eat so late? The food is nice... but it is so oily and fattening, plus it gives me gas. And that can be so embarrasing...
3) I can't go to dinner. I'm really overwhelmed. Why can't my boyfriend understand.

Equation is:- 1 + 2 X L(!!) + COS(y) / Tan(3.142) - Sin(t) = 3

I call it. Crazy people math.
i am so bored.

Moral of the story: Even though it is hard to learn and understand. But Mathematics is essential for use in everyday life. And it is of the utmost importance that we should learn it and practice it well. For we never know when we may need to use it.

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