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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

how to get rich

Crap_-_ long has it been since anyone posted anything here.. and thank goodness there is nothing more about AWARE anymore on the news..
in case u have no idea wat AWARE is and have been living under a rock all this while..its that grp of females out to.. i rather not say anymore...
ok..i just realised that in singapore, being rich is everyone's dream. Yes it is..dun lie to yourself. Who really cares about attaining enlightenment and all that bull crap. so in view of recent events, i sorta came up with 2 suggestions. firstly, as always .. BUY TOTO.
now on to the next point. Become a highly respected religious leader and start some sort of a charity. Now u must be wondering why i would say something like that.. what a new low .. NOT i say. If you haven't been living under a rock ( seriously if u are..u should go kill yourself), you might have heard of a certain person thats been making the lime light from the local media lately. Well, he is a respected religious leader in a way, and he's in charge of some sort of a charity. So whats the big deal? well.. he has 3 bmws..and thats all they reported, luxury bungalows in foreign lands and the ability to lend $50000 sgd to his "friend" just like how i lend 5 cents to mr IRBADBOY, which is to say, without a 2nd thought. i guess to him, 50k is peanuts eh. and when u make a boo boo, like this specific person, go tell the judge in court " hey man, even i need to enjoy my life once awhile". hmm.. where does the money from charities come from? and wasn't the collection of donations supposed to be spent on helping the needy? i'll give some leeway if you wanna build a magnificent palace and call it a temple or something..but seriously.. be more discrete dude.
ok thats its..enuff of my ramblings, back to real life..