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Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Cowboy theory


Recently it has been brought to my attention, although this topic may be an old one, that our government still has a strong stance against Gay Rights in Singapore. And at a press conference that happened somewhere, our dear Prime Minister Mr Lee Hsien Loong, was bombarded with questions from the overseas media with regards to this.

Unlike our Minister Mentor Mr Lee Kwan Yew, Our Prime Minister has a tendency to speak in a more politically correct manner, so it requires some time to decipher what he is actually trying to say. I seem to be explaining too much here, i would recommend that you copy the link below to view that video.

Personally, i have my own theory about the whole 'Gay Rights' thing. And as to why America and people from all over the world, who are not even of the homosexual nature, to rise up in discontent for the discrimination against this small group of individuals.

I Blame Hollywood for this fad, and let me tell you why. First let us look at the History that Hollywood has with intorducing fads to the masses. There was a point in time where it was believed, that smoking was the most socially acceptable thing to do. And mind you, but people back then during the 60's or 70's, or whichever era that smoking started in, are all well aware of the risks smoking does. And how did Hollywood actually convince the masses to start smoking, they used Cowboys.

Cowboys have been used as a very effective weapon in their brainwashing propaganda. And they have been continuosly using it to introduce new ideas to the Americans and eventually the rest of the world. And it seems that the last thing that they had set to introduce was of course quite apparent in the movie, Brokeback Mountain. And i do not believe for a mere second, that this is all due to some pure coincidence.

I believe, as a Singaporean with my 'Singapore' pride, even though i may despise my own country rather indiscriminately, that our goverment should project a stronger presence on the matter. And to inform those all-knowing overseas media, and possibly some of our own, that we will not be swayed by Cowboys any longer. That we as a nation are saying 'No' to Hollywood and their insane ideas. Because the last time they did, millions have perished to the wrath of Cancer from smoking, and only recently the world has been realising it.

Moral of the Story: I do not really hate Gays, but i am not a big fan of change. And i do not want to have to answer to the future generation 40 or so years down the road, who will campaign against Gay rights and will struggle in their efforts to abolish it. This is what happened with smoking, and will happen with Gay rights as well. The reason being, that it was introduced via the cowboy method. And that is the whole story.