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Monday, November 24, 2008

THE RETURN OF stuff that piss me off

Crap _-_ the "stuff that pisses me off" series hasn't been out for awhile.. this is just my attempt at bringing it least for awhile..before it dies off again.
So anyway..this entry will be about personality of people that piss me off

1. The " I am god almighty " people - ok..these are the folks that think they are correct, all the time, everytime. Their views are mostly "Divine" and if u defer from them..u will be branded an infidel.. stuff like " oh.. u are most sinner" or " u are so wrong" are words spouted from them rather often. well.. 3 words for people like these " SUCK MY BALLS". yes most holy of holiest.. why do u drool so much when u see women around u and saying the drool belongs to me. Just for your INFO.. i do not drool when i am turned on..i CUM all over..can u CUM? i guess not.. Pretending to be free of "sin" ( what the heck is sin anyway but just another 3 letter word)..u disgust me..and if there is a hell.. i'll be seeing u there

2. The "sob story" people - well..omg..ur great great great grand mama died?? or ur alien bf from the planet Olioto came back to earth and hit u with a frying pan that destroyed half your house? and somehow..the TALEBAN are taking your family hostage so u gotta save them, which u managed to do with only 1 eye and half a leg still attached to your blown up body by running thru the evil base of terror at super sonic speed.. erm.. wake up.. cos do u honestly think we believe that?

3. The " i shall not let u see what the fuck i am doing becos i am a cunt sucking whoring piece of fat little turdish sandwich fuck fuckity fucked " people - selfish self deluding cunts who think the whole world wants a piece of them. Really? i would rather polinate plants than fuck u.

4. The "closet gay sympathisers" - firstly..i would like to mention that i do not really have anything against gay people... my hatred is directed at BI-sexual Guys (do not infect normal women with ur diseases which you u picked up after being screwed in the A Hole by your friendly male buddies)... just that i do not agree with their views but its all well as long they keep within their own community and do not try to be gay around me..i will remove their happiness ( just FYI .. GAY = happy). however i do have issues with folks who say " oh yah gay people suck." but den go on to make friends with them.. erm..why? just wonder how often u sell out others just to your own benefit .. guess i'll be seeing u in hell too...just for the record..u are worse than bi-sexual guys..becos u'll try to screw everything and anything.

Actually when u come of think of it..all mentioned are just sub-species of one another, therefore each personality i described may manifest themselves in one person. so why did i seperate them? and why did i spell separate wrongly? becos it's my blog and i can do whatever i want.. and yes..there are more types of folks i find that really annoy me but i am just feeling lazy to type about them..maybe next time. And if there is really a heaven and hell waiting for us in the afterlife.
I PITY THE FOOLS WHO BELIEVE THEY ARE HEADED TO HEAVEN.. i may not like where i am going but at least i know where i'm u?